The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Morning all :frow

Is it warm enough for them to hatch, after going without her heat for most of the day?

Not at all. I don't expect to find any development and I'm still wondering how she got those eggs there to begin with. The leghorns don't go that far out...

Good evening friends :hugs

Huge, hot day but I will get to that later; first is catch up.

:eek: at coyote tracks Kelsey

Happy birthday to your hubby Debby :clap

Aaaw gees Cap, I am sorry that you are being stuffed around and risk losing your babies :( :hugs Aaaw , love the bunnies! :love

Bunnylady your plushies are adorable! :clap

Today we went for a trip in to town, then I came home and cleaned the coop and then harvested parsley, sage, chives and basil which are all now in the dehydrator. Then I planted some coriander, Italian parsley, thyme and oregano.

The herb and pepper garden:

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I am excited to share that Audrey has had a pup!!

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Killed some weeds and then helped hubby finish off the shutters on the other side of the deck…..

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From the front now both sides [catio on one side] have been done ... Still need to block off the bottom of the catio so that the shade cloth can come down:
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Looks great! I love the herb garden. Way to go Audrey!
I think they tried to set up something years ago where chicken folks ferry birds, chicks, ducks, whatever to some one , and maybe coming back pick up something for themselves.

Can't recall but, I don't think connections were worked out often enough or not many
folks participating.
That's a shame. There's a lot more members now, so maybe it would be worth a try again.
So cute!!!

Those are so cute!!

They are adorable! You're so clever! :love

Aw. Thanks, y'all!

Bunny, those are absolutely cute! Have you ever tried selling them on the buy-sell-trade forum under the "everything else" section? Bet there would be a lot of buyers for them!

I've thought about it - even got the "all clear" from Nifty to make the ones styled after Tudy - I just need to work out payment and shipping costs. Not that complicated, I know, I just haven't gotten around to it.:rolleyes:

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