The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Have to say they charged a lot but, did exemplary work - have to ask Sour, if I spelled that right. Not only that I was so busy running up and down to different windows to spy on the tree work, that I forgot to take any of my pills or eat. It was so neat to see a guy climbing on a huge tree, and dropped branches (big ones) with a rope attached so they fell straight down and didn't damage anything.

Then the 3 workers on the ground scrambled to drag it off to the chipper, parked on the street. Everything was so beautifully timed and executed it was a thing of art. After 3 hours the climber came down and started to make cuts in lower trunk. I knew they were going to "fell" it. So Of course when I went to the ladies room, THEN I felt the ground shake and BOOM! I never got to see it fall. But such genius - it fell where it wouldn't damage anything.

I told the crew, it was the most excitement I have had in my life for years. Well it was!!
I love to watch someone who actually knows what they are doing and does it well.

Wow, there were two pieces of bark on the ground. The guy sent the claw down and it picked it up and dumped it. Show off!! I would have just walked over and picked it up.
I think once they get good with those things they don't even remember they have hands. Kind of like chickens running when they could fly.

Those guys really are amazing to watch. I think you should celebrate your exciting day with some ice cream.
Have to say they charged a lot but, did exemplary work - have to ask Sour, if I spelled that right.

I told the crew, it was the most excitement I have had in my life for years. Well it was!!
I love to watch someone who actually knows what they are doing and does it well.


:yesss: on the spelling, and you need to get out more.

I do know what you mean about being impressed by the 'tree men'. Several years ago we had a large maple come down on the house. The guys that removed it were professional and impressive. I commented about this to the boss, and he said, "If you aren't good, you are dead."
Have to say they charged a lot but, did exemplary work - have to ask Sour, if I spelled that right. Not only that I was so busy running up and down to different windows to spy on the tree work, that I forgot to take any of my pills or eat. It was so neat to see a guy climbing on a huge tree, and dropped branches (big ones) with a rope attached so they fell straight down and didn't damage anything.

Then the 3 workers on the ground scrambled to drag it off to the chipper, parked on the street. Everything was so beautifully timed and executed it was a thing of art. After 3 hours the climber came down and started to make cuts in lower trunk. I knew they were going to "fell" it. So Of course when I went to the ladies room, THEN I felt the ground shake and BOOM! I never got to see it fall. But such genius - it fell where it wouldn't damage anything.

I told the crew, it was the most excitement I have had in my life for years. Well it was!!
I love to watch someone who actually knows what they are doing and does it well.

It is nice to hear a happy hired help story!

Did you get pictures?
You know the type, you put in 50 cents and have chance to snag a prize but, the claw always drops it. Well this claw didn't drop anything till it let go over the dump trunk.
Wow, there were two pieces of bark on the ground. The guy sent the claw down and it picked it up and dumped it. Show off!! I would have just walked over and picked it up.

You know what they say - "the difference between the men and the boys isn't the age; it's the price of their toys." When you have a really cool toy to do it for you, why risk a splinter?:idunno

I do know what you mean about being impressed by the 'tree men'. Several years ago we had a large maple come down on the house. The guys that removed it were professional and impressive. I commented about this to the boss, and he said, "If you aren't good, you are dead."

Yep, and that's why those guys pay high insurance premiums, too.

We have often been on the receiving end of those unwanted trees. Hubby knows a couple of tree guys, and they are always happy not to have to haul those loads any farther than they have to (we have a wood stove in the greenhouse). A few years ago, we got a couple of truckloads, and the guy said, "we have a few more rounds, but they are big, do you want them?" It was oak, so Hubby thought, sure, he can split it . . . . Naturally, he wasn't home when that load was dropped off. The smallest log in that load was at least 4' in diameter! I had to call Hubby to come back and help horse them out of the driveway with the tractor so I could get out!
The tree guy we had a few years ago said the same thing, Sour. At least I think he did. But it's true, when you're 70 feet up a tree with a chainsaw and/or just in a harness in the air, if you're not good, you're dead.

Those tree guys are pretty impressive though.

We had them come years ago to take out a bunch of pines and hopefully we're gonna have some come again to take out more trees but this was like at least 10 years ago. But anyway, they were up there upside down hacking away at the branches and everything. And these are hugeeee like 70 feet? Though they've gotta be taller than that, maybe closer to 100 or 200 ft? Idk, you've all see pictures of our huge pines, thoughts? Lol

Anyway, the point still stands though, they're at least 100 feet off the ground upside down but yet they are so efficient and fast
I'd be fast too if I were upside down 100' up in a tree.

That's true! I can't imagine it'd be very fun, though maybe it would be for an adventurous type lol I'd think it'd be scary too but maybe not.

And idk if they were upside down the whole time but they definitely were for parts to be able to reach certain branches and stuff. And I think they took the top/crown off first then the middle and end sections but idk if they took the branches off first or the whole top. I imagine they must have taken the branches off or at least some of them.
Phew, finally caught up! Glad the tree came down without incident DD. I would've been glued to the windows too as it's amazing how they drop trees so carefully.

Does DH work in Aukland, meaning there would have to be a commute into the h3ll hole daily?

Best move far enough out that the population won't catch up with you while you are still alive ;)

DH is ready for a change (long overdue) and he's a bit of a 'Jack of all trades' so he'll find something to do. He may have a job offer, still in Auckland (someone who used to work with him put his name forward at her new place of work) so if he is offered a job and he likes the sound of it he'd just stay with my parents during the week and come up for the weekends until he found something up north. We really want to get rid of our mortgage, or at least the great majority of it. It's not a big mortgage but it is too big for me to not be working (not that home schooling our two isn't very hard work most days)!

I think moving to the south island would be the only way to avoid the inevitable onslaught of 'progress' and I'm really not keen on that, but at least up north they are taking steps to preserve rural areas.

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