The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Well... the broody was off of the nest yesterday for a large part of the day... she was back on it last night, and seems to be sticking this morning. I took away the buckeye eggs and left a couple of bantams for her. If she sticks I'll move her to her new coop and set some "real" eggs under her in a few days. Although... I am going to a sale today that is going to have partridge chanteclers.....
Enjoy coffee.jpg
Happy Saturday!
Well, Nicky, it is Saturday. Happy ? :fl

Anyone else had enough of this rain ? Better than snow, better than snow - that's what I keep telling myself. :barnie
Lol! That's why it's a happy Saturday for me, it's raining so it means I can't paint my chain link fence or mow. Two things on the agenda for the weekend. So here I am enjoying coffee and talking with you fine folks instead. Yummy!

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