The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

So chicken catching appears they all run pretty much the same price-wise (too much!), whether it's called a poultry net or a fishing net.

Guess I'll go ahead and order one to have on hand the next time someone decides to escape. My lone neighbor doesn't me entertaining him on Sunday mornings!

@CapricornFarm I've seen the hooks but these CCL's are so fast & wily, I think I'd have better luck snagging the entire bird with a net than trying to hook an ankle. Thanks for the suggestion though!
Good Morning Friends :hugs

Blooie Cari is adorable!! :love

Aaaw Sean I am so very sorry to hear of your tragic loss :hit :hugs That baby deer is adorable!

LOL Bruce! The saga continues … I received a response to my e.mail which basically said:

As you can see, once you click on xxxxxxxx, it will bring you to a page where you can see both assessments - Part 1 and Part 2 directly underneath.

When an assessment is submitted, it is automatically returned to me for marking.

Please follow the instructions I emailed to you carefully and create a new account if you need to. Another option you could try is to attempt the assessments on a different internet browser.

I’ve kept the passcodes open for you.

That’s nice … I see your screen shot and raise you with what I am seeing when I log in on both Chrome and Firefox. Plus, I created a new account and this is a screen shot of what I am seeing when I log in on that new account which looks nothing like what you have sent me …

back to waiting and keeping my fingers crossed that Company 1 gets back to me soon so I can tell Company 2 not to worry about it ;)
@Teila, actually the breeder’s name is Cari. We brought the pup home and named her Fiona. Cari said she was very “laid back” - I didn’t realize that meant practically comatose! She’s gonna be a big girl, and pretty lazy!
All the photos are of her except the one of Ken with Fiona’s mother, Dixie.
Sorry Blooie .. my head is all over the place at the moment, still going backwards and forwards with this second company with screen shots etc, trying to explain to them that I do not appear to be enrolled in any courses and that what she is seeing and sending me in screen shots is not what I am seeing and sending her in screen shots.

Wow; even I am amazed at how patient and calm I am remaining.

Take II ... Fiona is adorable! :love Congratulations! :clap
Morning everyone :frow

Sad news today!:hitWhile away at work last night, a snake got into 1 of my quail pens. Wasn't big enough to eat any but certainly big enough to kill them.... I guess it just kept killing them to try and find one it could eat? Sorry, if this is graphic but their heads and a part of their breasts were partially disolved! Slime coated feathers.
Got into the pen by going through the opening of the corrugated metal at the edge of the roof. Left the same way. Well, now I got to seal the roof better before I put anything else in the pen.
It's bad enough to suffer such loss, but the senseless carnage of beloved pets is beyond devastating. :hugs
@Blooie Fiona is beautiful:love I hope you'll share lots (and lots) of photos with us!

@Teila that's just crazy what you're going through just to take their assessments. I think Company 2 needs to do an assessment of their assessments :tongue

@CapricornFarm congratulations on your egg :jumpy

Tee hee, I think I stumped her with the last one because she has not got back to me :lau

I nicely and patiently showed the screen shot she sent me with 'My Courses' and the screenshot of what I was seeing 'Courses' and that when I found the courses via navigation, I was prompted to 'enrol' with a code which I do not have.

I suggested that all of our correspondence indicates that I am not enrolled in any courses. I am thinking that their automatic enrollment to selected courses is not working.

If/when she gets back to me to say it has been resolved, I might send her an invoice for my time LOL :lau

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