The NFC B-Day Chat Thread


Aww, happy birthday! That's me drooling over your cake.

Beautiful cake!!

That ain't no single family home...heck if it was down here, it would have 20 families living in it! :gig

Lol right!? It should have way more people on it!! I’d buy it just to split it up and sell it or turn it into a homeless shelter or a BYC complex :lau

I keep telling hubs that this place is no longer rural...more like the 'burbs and sounds more like a kennel up in here. Trying to convince him we would be better off in a doublewide in the middle of 20 acres. Afraid he ain't buyin' it!:gig

Everywhere is getting more and more developed these days. Sad. Good luck convincing him! Lol

This place is a particularly expensive area, Lake Winnepesake.
Yeah....nope. I can almost hear the haints creakin' on them old floorboards...nope.
Wouldn't mind living there at all, I would try and rig something up for running water, though.
Even our old ranch house (built in 1873) had running water and bathrooms.
Wouldn't mind living there at all, I would try and rig something up for running water, though.
I bet you will think I'm nuts,but have lived in a very old house in Baton Rouge and that sucker was haunted big time!
Had to sleep in the spare room once cause it flooded under my bedroom. Just drifting off to sleep when something GROWLED at the foot of the bed ( not the first weird thing to happen - but the weirdest thing) buddy I went straight up Pentecostal for about 2 minutes! Rebuked the devil and thumped on that bible hard! I don't never want to live in any place that old ever again!

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