The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

The first pics aren’t the best pics cause I just randomly decided to do it on a whim this morning in the hotel room so I hadn’t really fully woken up or gotten beautified yet :lau and not the best lighting. But I did it all by myself, which was kind of hard to get the way back, and it was especially curly back there. But I think for doing it myself and having never done it before (well except like once forever ago) it looks alright. Planning on getting it cut and done properly though cause it needs to be cut anyway (too long and some split ends, hasn’t been cut in forever) but I just felt like straightening it this morning for some reason which is weird cause I normally never straighten it. I normally love my curls. But I wanted it straightened lol

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My eyes looked weird here but I liked how my hair looked so I just blocked my face lol

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And then later I put some lipstick on and took some better pictures near some flowering trees.... the wind was NOT cooperating though. :lau

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Wow! I didnt realise it was so long! Very pretty!
Hope your appointment goes well DMC! How much longer until you can be free of the braces?
I’ve had them 9 months the end of May. He said 18-24 months. He put the heavy duty wire on today and the hooks for bands. A while back he said I probably wouldn’t have too many bands. I’m thinking 18 the way things are going.:flI don’t have to go back for 2 months now:ya
Morning, all! DMC, hope all goes well at the dentist and you can avoid the headache! Debby, while you’re at the store could you pick me up some pineapple? I’ll pay ya when I see ya. Thanks.

Now that it’s over, I can say this: I am so darned glad Mother”s Day is over!! Don’t misunderstand - I am so grateful for my family and I love them all dearly. I got some beautiful cards, flowers, and Ken made a great steak dinner for me. Jamie called, Kendra decided my new name is Grandmamother......silly baby.....Evan gave me one of those hugs only gangly 14 year old boys can give (one arm, with a kind of I’m-grown-up-for-this grin), and Katie wrote me a sweet poem. So it isn’t like I sat around feeling unappreciated. Not at all.

It’s just that under all that was trouble. Jamie and Rachel are in the middle of an ugly divorce, and he feels like I have to share every moment of his pity party and hear every detail of how miserable he is. I dunno, maybe it’s me. I’m supposed to be a good listener for the kids and grands, but on Mother’s Day I would think he could have just said “Happy Mother’s Day, Gramma. I love you and I’ll call you later in the week to let you know how it’s going around here.” The end.

Little Diane didn’t call or even text at all. She’s the epitome of why people hate Facebook....her posts are absolutely nothing but either selfies or mean political rants. And I mean selfies.....10 -12 of them in one day are not uncommon, all using those goofy filters to enhance or put doggie ears on herself, and “I just love how I did my eyeliner this morning” or “How did I get so cute?” followed by dozens of empty but gushing compliments from “friends” she doesn’t even know! Couldn’t take it anymore. I don’t know how she is, what her and Pete are up to, how the business is going. But by golly if I want to know how she feels about herself, her new purple and blue hair, or how she and she alone knows how the world should change to accommodate her warped sense of history, (did you know that we attacked poor defenseless Japan because we wanted their technology and nuclear power secrets?), and if I want to see the “F” word used as nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, and stand alone sentences, then I’m all set. I need her in my life - I don’t need all that trash. So I sent her a little note, gently reminded her that Katie and Evan like to see the fam on my FB pages and they don’t need to see that or think I approve of public gutter talk, so I was blocking her from my FB but never out of my life. Got a one sentence reply - “We are the future of this country and if you don’t like it, too bad.” Not a peep since, and it’s been 5 weeks. She doesn’t even answer when I’ve called.

Ken is behind on his Grand York Rite secretary bookwork because of all the Grand Master traveling, so from almost the time he got up until he started making dinner his nose was in his computer. I dunno, it was just a very depressing day all around, and I let myself get sucked down. I’m better today, and I’ll be even better tomorrow. But I’m glad it’s over!

Now, anything else I can do to cheer you all up? :oops:
I got the headache but my teeth hurt worse:lol:Sorry about the family issues:hugs
I did too much yesterday, paying for it today! You wouldn't think sitting on your butt for 3 hours mowing would affect my hip....but I have found out differently. :lau back to crutches.:hmm

Have a good day too Debby!
Uffda Sean!:hugs
x’s 2!
It is!

I'm just wondering if I'll ever get a chance to use it the way our weather has been so far. We had snow last week for crying out loud.

Stick around, I'll be whining about the heat in a couple months :p
It is beautiful here right now. I just got done baking homemade brownies and carrot cupcakes. Now I’m chilling on the deck. Still no field work yet as fields are still wet.
Yep. We print our own - have for years. We don’t use many, mostly for Ken paying his dues to the hunnert-n-eleventy Masonic organizations he belongs to. So we don’t go through many, but we still use them.
I use 2 a month.
Heck, I still use cash. :old
Cash is king.
Absolutely how I was raised. I remember when my father went to get a car loan (in order to establish a credit rating) and was refused because he had paid cash for everything including our home - long, sad story there.
Years ago we tried to get a cell phone but we had no credit due to paying cash for everything. Our bank President got it so we could get a credit card.
No they don't...that's what's so funny, to see their jaw drop!
My first car I paid cash for. I saved a long time for it.
My credit is so bad they won’t take my cash! :idunno

But saving matters! We started tossing change into a little can. Our change outgrew that so we switched to a jug. A couple of months ago when Ken was out of town for a few days and I was home, I decided (stupidly) to see how much was in there, because the jug was to the point where we couldn’t get even a dime in there anymore. So we were back to the can. I was stunned! We have since purchased a new, bigger jug, put what I counted in there with the paper I totaled it tucked in there, and started refilling the first jug. Then on our for really anniversary (we actually have one next year) we’re going to take it all down and put it into a special savings account for Kendra. The counted money only fills the new jug about halfway, but we have the lid screwed down tight on it until the first jug is full. Then we’ll count that out and add it to the big jug so we can kind of keep a running total.

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You have nice hand writing.
Ken hasn’t blocked Little Diane yet, so while he was on Facebook updating the Wyoming Masonic group, I asked him if I could go to her page and snag a couple of examples of what I was taking about earlier. These are just a couple of her “selfies” - I didn’t download all of them because my hard drive isn’t big enough, and I left the cussing and politics out too. Here ya go - not quite the same modest little sweetheart in these, is she?




Yes. She’s gorgeous. No, I don’t care about the hair color. Have you ever seen such blatant narcissism in your lives?
No, now you're in my debt forever over a can of pineapple. :lol:

I've been saving my spare change for so long that now I'm wondering if it's worth anything
Must take some really big pockets to carry that!

and was refused because he had paid cash for everything including our home - long, sad story there.
Yep, have to have payments on accounts or you aren't "trustworthy". That is why we put the phone in DD1's name. She has a very good record of on time payments (with my money) the last 8 years.
No they don't...that's what's so funny, to see their jaw drop!
I didn't use cash, I used a check. Actually 2, from different accounts. The guy didn't even blink.

Awww! For what it's worth, I would do just about anything to have you in my family!
Me too @Blooie!

Can't speak for B, but I do! Only, I don't want to move to Alabama cos it gets so hot and sticky there.
Since you aren't a minor you can live where you want, you probably do have to show up for the official adoption though. Probably should plan that for January.

Had to see the finance guy anyway who tried to get me to finance the truck.
I had to see the finance guy, he didn't try to get me to finance the car but BOY did he want me to buy a bunch of "protection" things, had 4 different packages. I had to refuse each one and get pressure to reconsider. Held my ground.

and the Confederate money was inherited from my great grandfather, a Col. in the Texas Confederacy.
When my grandmother died (she had lived for a few years in my mother's house before having to go to a nursing home) we found some confederate money and a pay muster in the "secret drawers" of her secretary desk. I don't know what happened to them. The really weird thing is we have NO idea where it came from. She was born in Spain and moved with her father to So. Cal via Guadalajara, Mexico about 1900. And the farthest south my Grandfather's family lived was Baltimore (his father was born there and family lore says their furniture factory was burned by the confederates) and moved to Springfield Ill before he was born in 1893.

My credit is so bad they won’t take my cash! :idunno

we’re going to take it all down and put it into a special savings account for Kendra.
:clap Maybe you SHOULDN'T fill up the bigger jar given how heavy the "small" one was. Maybe two smaller ones would be better. We have a change counter at the Credit Union's main branch. And they have them in some grocery stores. Of course the fee to change your change into more easily transported currency is pretty steep on a percentage basis.

Hell no. I pay, in cash at the time of service. My Drs office one said they don't take cash...I said figure it out or you don't get paid sweetheart View attachment 1774127

@Blooie we can only hope she comes back to earth. :hugs
Hey Debby I stumbled across your post about the lost posts. (I lost a pile of posts and likes). How were you supposed to know that you should contact a moderator about that? I found out what happened from someone who was a target also. Frankly after yesterday's shenanigans I was a little paranoid.
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