The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Would a bullseye appear like immediately?? Or close to immediately? Like a couple hours after? Or does it take days or weeks? Cause I think I have one but from what I’m reading that’s not possible so early. Also it doesn’t really look like the pictures. Guess I maybe need to see a doctor. :barnie
Would a bullseye appear like immediately?? Or close to immediately? Like a couple hours after? Or does it take days or weeks? Cause I think I have one but from what I’m reading that’s not possible so early. Also it doesn’t really look like the pictures. Guess I maybe need to see a doctor. :barnie
Yes, see your Dr. There are a couple of tests they can run. One is for recent bites and one for older ones.
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Yes, see your Dr. There are a couple of tests they can run. One is for recent bites and one for older ones.

Okay thank you. Will do. I just found it this morning and pulled it off and it definitely wasn’t there last night or earlier this morning so I don’t think it was even attached the 24 or 12 or whatever it is hours it is to transmit it? But I’m still a little worried.

My father did have the classic bullseye on his back BUT, never went to the doctor about it. :idunnoHe used to say "I feel punk." a lot but never defined what that meant. He made it to 90. So I guess it didn't shorten his life.

Wow that is good it didn’t.
My father didn't have a bulls-eye you could pull off. It eventually faded. Do you thin someone at home was "playing you?"

Sorry, I meant the tick. I only found it this morning so I don’t think it was there long enough to give me Lyme? And it’s not really a bullseye I guess just red around it. Maybe I didn’t get all the tick out or something?

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