The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Sorry, I meant the tick. I only found it this morning so I don’t think it was there long enough to give me Lyme? And it’s not really a bullseye I guess just red around it. Maybe I didn’t get all the tick out or something?
i don't think it was on you long enough, probably hadn't even bitten you yet, if it had, you would know it, i had one bite and inbed itself on my ear last year, i didn't get lyme disease(according to dr.) but if you get a place on yourself and it gets sore, then worry
OMG! What kind of car do you have!? :eek: :th
It is a Prius Prime, I bought it after my 2009 Prius was totalled (people seem to LOVE to smash into us). EPA rated for 25 miles on electric though that it temperature dependant (and it supposedly will do 83 MPH in electric though I'll never find out). Currently I can go over 30 miles but I think in winter, I'll be lucky to get 20 miles. Car range electric and gas is 630 miles (per EPA). The 813 miles on the last tank included 230 miles of 50 MPH down to 'small town stops' at 64 MPG coming home from Maine. My USUAL driving is 1 trip per week down to Burlington (about 60 miles round trip so about half in electric, half gas) and shorter trips in town up here that I can do all electric.

I don’t think I would want an all electric car. Too many things to go wrong.
Actually far fewer things to go wrong. Electric motors have been around forever and require no maintenance. No starter, no alternator, no exhaust system, no oil. Basically it is only an electric motor, transmission (forward and reverse), brakes and a charging circuit.

Somewhere under that DQ Chocolate Blizzard is a brand new missing tooth. Um, she ate this one too.

Kendra can’t say Fiona, but Fee answers to “Fidona” just as well.

I have a working kitchen sink & stove!!
I'm gettin' civilized!
:yesss: :highfive:

He used to say "I feel punk." a lot but never defined what that meant. He made it to 90. So I guess it didn't shorten his life.
How do you know, maybe he would have made it to 100! :p
i don't think it was on you long enough, probably hadn't even bitten you yet, if it had, you would know it, i had one bite and inbed itself on my ear last year, i didn't get lyme disease(according to dr.) but if you get a place on yourself and it gets sore, then worry

Can they attach without biting you? Because it was definitely attached. Also it has hurt since even before I pulled it off if that means anything. I thought I read tick bites usually don’t hurt?
Can they attach without biting you? Because it was definitely attached. Also it has hurt since even before I pulled it off if that means anything. I thought I read tick bites usually don’t hurt?

On me deer tick bites hurt significantly immediately after removal of the tick. I have been bitten so many times that I think I am sensitized to their saliva and immediately react with itching and significant necrosis at the bite site. I have been treated for Lyme disease and also took part in a vaccine development program -
If it was attached it was biting, and the bites do hurt.

Okay that is good to know. Thank you. The weird thing is I have another one that is fine.

On me deer tick bites hurt significantly immediately after removal of the tick. I have been bitten so many times that I think I am sensitized to their saliva and immediately react with itching and significant necrosis at the bite site. I have been treated for Lyme disease and also took part in a vaccine development program -

Thanks! It doesn’t really itch but does hurt but the weird thing is I have another one that is fine. But it seems a little better now that I washed it and it’s been a while.
Going to sleep. Took a nap earlier from like 6:30 or 6:40 till just before 9 but still tired. And that was a late nap, yes, but I had just showered and still had a migraine so I wanted to sleep it off. Didn’t expect to sleep so long lol Still have one btw, started this afternoon. :( this job has me totally beat lol
I figured out why I’m so beat LOL

Can they attach without biting you? Because it was definitely attached. Also it has hurt since even before I pulled it off if that means anything. I thought I read tick bites usually don’t hurt?
then it must have just attached, they have to "backwash" to give you lymes and not all ticks give lyme disease, just certain types of ticks

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