The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Right now dealing with thunderstorms - one after another - driving ants to come inside garage . Used up all my "ant killer stuff," and not making a dent in them."

Plus my (one eye) decided it's allergic to something(???????) driving me nuts - swollen lids and eye drops not working. :rant & itching like crazy.
Right now dealing with thunderstorms - one after another - driving ants to come inside garage . Used up all my "ant killer stuff," and not making a dent in them."

Plus my (one eye) decided it's allergic to something(???????) driving me nuts - swollen lids and eye drops not working. :rant & itching like crazy.

Good morning DD, sorry about your eye. Maybe a call to the doctor is needed?
Had eye doctor appt.(routine) last month - big bill to determine everything looked good. I think he slipped some slow acting allergy into the exam. Now having one itchy eye driving me nuts. Can never get an appt. with him fast - it's usually a 3 week wait - :rant and an hour or more sitting in waiting room. Last visit he was so busy he didn't have enough space in waiting room. They put several chairs out in the hallway - ya know a waiting room to get into the waiting room. Weird.

Plus which the last time he gave me sample size drops - made it much worse :hit

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