The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

I’m more worried about the next 5 days when the humidity comes back. The house has no protection from the sun so it heats up quickly.
So what movie did you watch?

The humidity makes everything feel hotter for sure. We're going to get to 94* today and the smoke is back. :sick

I watched "The Help", it was really good.
I hope you are all having a great day. We had the 3 year old and the one year old, their parents, and my husband's mom today. Daughter is taking Mom home and kids and dad are napping right now. Fun to have them but now I need a nap. Lol.
I have to share this pic of the "baby's" 1st day of school (daycare)😆

@swampfox440 we have a row boat. We hardly use it. I keep meaning to buy a pedal boat. I think the kids would enjoy that more.
I hope you are all having a great day. We had the 3 year old and the one year old, their parents, and my husband's mom today. Daughter is taking Mom home and kids and dad are napping right now. Fun to have them but now I need a nap. Lol.
I have to share this pic of the "baby's" 1st day of school (daycare)😆
View attachment 2797706
@swampfox440 we have a row boat. We hardly use it. I keep meaning to buy a pedal boat. I think the kids would enjoy that more.
I hope you are all having a great day. We had the 3 year old and the one year old, their parents, and my husband's mom today. Daughter is taking Mom home and kids and dad are napping right now. Fun to have them but now I need a nap. Lol.
I have to share this pic of the "baby's" 1st day of school (daycare)😆
View attachment 2797706
@swampfox440 we have a row boat. We hardly use it. I keep meaning to buy a pedal boat. I think the kids would enjoy that more.

Adorable picture Janie :love

I bet you do need a nap after the kids...they're cute and fun, but their energy is off the charts!
@JaeG I just noticed your picture was chosen for the most recent Caption Contest, nice photo!

Good morning Mad , Jae I was glad to see your photo this morning . I couldn't wait to write a caption , when I see folks with good photos I always tell them to enter . :yesss:

Lets just hope she has a boat :eek:with a coffee maker on it . Oh ! and a computer.😍
I'll have to go check it out. I'm a bit behind with BYC!
It's been quite the week here. :th Rufus the Ram decided he was not going to stay behind the electric tape any longer and would just plow through it despite it being electrified (he's in full winter coat which insulates him). So we tried him behind the electric mesh fencing we have but he just jumped out. So he is now a tethered sheep which he is extremely annoyed about. We debated having him made into sausages, but he's been given a stay of execution as, when DH was buying a collar for him, the person serving him mentioned a local lady was looking for a ram to clean up the weeds in her horse fields. She did contact us and we are just waiting for her to get back to us about when she wants to pick him up.

Unfortunately one of the ewes must've been paying attention as she too has become an escape artist where the electric tape is concerned, but she is fine behind the mesh (which they are all terrified of). My Dad is getting us another 2 sets as he used to work for a company that makes it, among other farm equipment, which will save us a lot as it's expensive to buy it retail.

Also, we've been dealing with one livestock agent to try and get rid of a few cattle (as we have too many now they are bigger) but he just wasn't getting back to us. So we tried someone else, he came and looked at them this week and advised us on which two to send (the other two need to put on a bit more weight before it's worth sending them) and so those two went this morning, which is a big relief to me. The grass thankfully is starting to grow faster, but we still had too many heifers hoovering it up. It's a much more manageable number now.

I had to share this chick with you too. The poor thing hatched with a built in set of Pinless Peepers. We've been debating whether to give him a trim already. 🤣

Mop top 1.jpg
Mop top 2.jpg
It's been quite the week here. :th Rufus the Ram decided he was not going to stay behind the electric tape any longer and would just plow through it despite it being electrified (he's in full winter coat which insulates him). So we tried him behind the electric mesh fencing we have but he just jumped out. So he is now a tethered sheep which he is extremely annoyed about. We debated having him made into sausages, but he's been given a stay of execution as, when DH was buying a collar for him, the person serving him mentioned a local lady was looking for a ram to clean up the weeds in her horse fields. She did contact us and we are just waiting for her to get back to us about when she wants to pick him up.

Unfortunately one of the ewes must've been paying attention as she too has become an escape artist where the electric tape is concerned, but she is fine behind the mesh (which they are all terrified of). My Dad is getting us another 2 sets as he used to work for a company that makes it, among other farm equipment, which will save us a lot as it's expensive to buy it retail.

Also, we've been dealing with one livestock agent to try and get rid of a few cattle (as we have too many now they are bigger) but he just wasn't getting back to us. So we tried someone else, he came and looked at them this week and advised us on which two to send (the other two need to put on a bit more weight before it's worth sending them) and so those two went this morning, which is a big relief to me. The grass thankfully is starting to grow faster, but we still had too many heifers hoovering it up. It's a much more manageable number now.

I had to share this chick with you too. The poor thing hatched with a built in set of Pinless Peepers. We've been debating whether to give him a trim already. 🤣

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Hi Jae, you've had a busy week, good to hear from you! Your 'pinless peeper' chick is a cutie :cool: Your ram sounds like a headstrong guy, hope the he enjoys the new home where he can hang out in the field.

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