The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

We are off to the fair again. They had a good band last night. (Jason Pritchett)I’m not a music fan but they put on a good show. My nephew ended up on stage with two other guys and they had a dance competition. Very funny! Tomorrow night is Sawyer Brown and will probably be packed.

Have fun DMC!
Happy birthday Rene!

Do your dogs like playing in the kitty-pool?
Do your CATS like playing in the kitty pool?
Dogs should have a doggie pool and kids should have a kiddie pool :D

When they see me approaching they run to the window and wave.
Are they waving at you to come in or go away?

Happy Birthday Michelle @The Farmers' Daughter have a great day 🥳 🎂
I've not seen Michelle for some time, maybe I've been in the wrong threads.
Happy belated BDay Michelle

My tractor parts are here . I almost fell over when they called . Going to go get them .
That makes it a GOOD day!

We are in for a lot of flu and colds this year and since we had few of them last year, there is less immunity to them.
I was thinking of masking up for flu season. With Covid Delta running rampant, I might have to do it earlier.

I need to mow the yard but it feels cold out there.
I mowed today, it was mid 80°s and HUMID!

It's only a two hour drive to pick her up, well, 4 hours round trip!
Not a bad drive if there is a good lunch place there.
Happy birthday Rene!

Not a bad drive if there is a good lunch place there.
Thank you Bruce! 💗

That would definitely make the trip more enjoyable, but sadly there aren't really any outstanding restaurants there! I really want to go pick her up now. Hubs isn't ready, we have some big trees to cut down and we will be doing some traveling for the next couple of months! So, she will have to wait & will hopefully still be available when we're ready to get her!
Good morning DMC, glad you enjoyed the fair last night! Are you going back to the fair again tonight?

We're going to get warmer than you today (82* is what the experts say).
Hi Debby!
Yes we are. Craig’s cousin, hubby and their friends from the lake are meeting us there. We didn’t get home until midnight last night. I might have to sneak in a nap or 2. :lol:

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