The NFC B-Day Chat Thread


We'll have a couple of nice days and then this weekend more snow is looking likely. If anyone wants to have some fun, come on over and bring your shovel! :gig
As fun as that sounds, I’ll pass Debby🤣
I'm curious to see what happens in my neighborhood for Halloween. There are kids around and DH got a few last year when he was working on the house. This is the first time in years I've had to buy candy just in case.
Did you buy something you like?
I have been going thru cat food like crazy lately. I know we have at least one skunk. We got one about a month ago. I put a camera out in the coop tonight and about 20 minutes later it went off. Hubby showed me a picture and asked if that was a cat. I said I don’t think so. A better video came in not too long later and it was an Opposum. We ended up getting 3. I’ve about had it with the critters.

Opossums are ghostly, they give me the creeps! I have to remember to bring in the bird feeder before it gets dark or the opossums are all over it and also raccoons.:rant
They have left droppings behind which freaks me out. Who knows what kind of diseases they have. We have never had one here that I know of. We’ve had raccoons this year too.
I have been going thru cat food like crazy lately. I know we have at least one skunk. We got one about a month ago. I put a camera out in the coop tonight and about 20 minutes later it went off. Hubby showed me a picture and asked if that was a cat. I said I don’t think so. A better video came in not too long later and it was an Opposum. We ended up getting 3. I’ve about had it with the critters.
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No wonder that opossum looks so fat, he's been gorging on your cat food! You've had enough free loading critters around your place for a while DMC.
@bruceha2000 is always giving me a bad time about getting up too early but I have a really good excuse this time!

I was sound asleep when the doorbell started ringing repeatedly and someone was pounding on the front door. Looked at my cell phone and it was 12:43am. I went to the door (not opening it!) and yelled 'who is it'. Someone was on the front porch crying hysterically wanting to come in and saying someone was trying to kill them.

No way was I opening the door, I called 911 and the police came out. Nice reaction time on their part! They talked to the person for about 15 minutes and then took him/her (still not sure) away. I don't know exactly what that was all about, no one called me out to talk to them.

So now the 3 cats are freaked out and I'm wide awake and already thinking today will definitely be a nap day! Here's to hoping for a quiet, boring day :lol:

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