The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Look at you...driving yourself and healed! Will you have to wait for the laser surgery to read a book IM?
I tried the readers I have but they aren’t good for extended reading, just a peek at a recipe, look at a bill, stuff like that. I’m pretty sure I’ll have glasses for reading, which is ok. I’ve worn glasses pretty much my whole life.

That recipe sounds so good! Thanks for sharing, we are definitely giving them a try. I love homemade gingerbread, so does Igor.
Nancy is around just pretty much in stealth mode. My younger brother has been having more issues with his health. He has been diabetic since a young man. He is 71 now . His neighbor wasn't home when he felt he needed to check into the hospital, so he drove himself. Scary, as he said a few times he doesn't see well enough to drive.

Doctor there told him his insulin pump was faulty, plus with his poor eyesight he may be giving himself too much or too little insulin. He said my brother NEEDS to be in assisted living so someone can check that he is handling things properly. :fl:hugs

He just can't seem to catch a break. Glad though that some years ago he was able to travel and took my son with, Hawaii, England, Canada. He had hoped to visit Australia till he found out it was an 18 hour trip.
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Nancy is around just pretty much in stealth mode. My younger brother has been having more issues with his health. He has been diabetic since a young man. He is 71 now . His neighbor wasn't home when he felt he needed to check into the hospital, so he drove himself. Scary, as he said a few times he doesn't see well enough to drive.

Doctor there told him his insulin pump was faulty, plus with his poor eyesight he may be giving himself too much or too little insulin. He said my brother needs to be in assisted living so someone can check that he is handling things properly.

He just can't seem to catch a break. Glad though that some years ago he was able to travel and took my son with, Hawaii, England, Canada. He had hoped to visit Australia till he found out it was an 18 hour trip.
Wow, this getting older thing is pretty hard on some of us. I also have a brother with diabetes. He walks 2 hrs a day to help with it. No pump as if yet. He's in his 50's. It's scary to hear of your siblings having problems. My sister had another mini stroke a few months back. They're adjusting her meds. So ..stealth mode ey? Sounds about right for here too.
My brother was going to cardiac rehab till lately, as well as spending time at a health club frequently . Wonder if he overdid it.

Our father's mother had diabetes yet, outlived 3 husbands. Was told diabetes skips a generation, so my father didn't have it. Instead my brother ended up with it.:hit:fl
My brother was going to cardiac rehab till lately, as well as spending time at a health club frequently . Wonder if he overdid it.

Our father's mother had diabetes yet, outlived 3 husbands. Was told diabetes skips a generation, so my father didn't have it. Instead my brother ended up with it.:hit:fl
Good to see you DD! I hope your brother listens and gets some help managing things.
Good morning all. It’s Wednesday right?

It rained last night and we had some wind. I woke up to a text from my daughter to check on the ducks because there are buckets blowing around in the yard but they were fine around midnight. Well, I peeked out the curtains on the arcadia door and saw duck bodies all over the place and just about died right there. They moved when I opened the door, all is well :th
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Good morning all. It’s Wednesday right?

It rained last night and we had some wind. I woke up to a text from my daughter to check on the ducks because there are buckets blowing around in the yard but they were fine around midnight. Well, I peeked out the curtains on the arcadia door and saw duck bodies all over the place and just about died right there. They moved when I opened the door, all is well :th
Good morning IM, thank goodness!
Good morning folks :frow

Good to see you Nancy :hugs

Good morning all. It’s Wednesday right?

It rained last night and we had some wind. I woke up to a text from my daughter to check on the ducks because there are buckets blowing around in the yard but they were fine around midnight. Well, I peeked out the curtains on the arcadia door and saw duck bodies all over the place and just about died right there. They moved when I opened the door, all is well :th
:frow Good morning IM, have a great day
Good morning all.
:frow Good morning DMC, have a great day

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