The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Often it is heat, we had it some with our first chicks that were raised in a bathroom with a heat lamp according to the 95°F for a week, drop by 5°F each week "requirement". Warm water on a cotton swab. don't pull it off, just dampen and gently rub off what easily comes off.

Never have had it with Momma Heating Pad or Broody hen raised. Have never had any chicks living in 95°F ambient heat, or anything close to it, since the first batch. I call BS on that "method". As long as they can get to a heat source WHEN they need it, the are fine in temps much, much colder. None of the chicks I have gotten since that first batch in 2012 have ever spent more than 2 days in the house or any other heated building. I do get them in early June so the night time temps are usually above 45°F, daytime might hit 80°F but not usually that early, low - mid 60°s is much more common.
Our heat lamp is just on all the time. I do have a thermostat that controls it so help contain some of the heat. Right now it's just on all the time on one side of their pen
Our heat lamp is just on all the time. I do have a thermostat that controls it so help contain some of the heat. Right now it's just on all the time on one side of their pen
That is what I had for the initial 12 chicks. They were in a bathtub in the downstairs bathroom. Even with the remote reading thermostat I had to raise the lamp over time to keep it from being too hot (per the "required" temp drop regime). The next batch got to have a Momma Heating Pad cave in a cardboard box in the bedroom (so we could lock the cats out) for a couple of days then out to the brooder area in the barn coop (converted 10'x12' horse stall). Never again will I use a heat lamp; spot heat the chicks, as THEY decide they need, with a MHP or use a broody hen, don't heat their entire world.
Good morning, DMC. Have a great week. I hope the kiddos are ready to get back to school, and behave like angels.
Thanks Janie….angels with their halo’s around their ankles.
It is gross. Honestly, I'd rather be cold than hot. How did I end up here? (Oh yeah, it's DH's fault/job) :gig
So when is a good time of the year to visit. I want to avoid things growing on me. :lol:
For those of you with Netflix, We Have a Ghost is a good movie.
Thanks, I’ll check it out.
Wonder if they can develop an Emerald borer resistant Ash tree?
That would be nice.
Good morning everyone

Good morning everyone, hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!
Good morning Debby
Good morning all.
We have another storm brewing up tonight through tomorrow. It’s getting old! We are having a bridal shower for one of our teachers tomorrow after school. I’m bringing the cupcakes and cookies. I baked the cookies last night. The rest I’ll do tonight. It’s hard to know what to do.
Good morning DMC
Good morning everyone, hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!
Good morning, Debby
Thanks Janie….angels with their halo’s around their ankles.

So when is a good time of the year to visit. I want to avoid things growing on me. :lol:

Thanks, I’ll check it out.

That would be nice.
Good morning, DMC
Good morning all.
We have another storm brewing up tonight through tomorrow. It’s getting old! We are having a bridal shower for one of our teachers tomorrow after school. I’m bringing the cupcakes and cookies. I baked the cookies last night. The rest I’ll do tonight. It’s hard to know what to do.
I hope it doesn't snow on you again!

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