The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Good morning everyone. Off to get a CT this morning. Was going to get two, one for my heart and one for my inner ear. I can't take the Betta Blocker they wanted me to take for the heart, had to cancel. So glad I'm getting my inner ear done. I've been diagnosed with Vestibular Migraines. No pain, just dizzy like crazy! Meds are helping, and watching The Steady Coach. Better than I've been in a while. This inner ear CT will put my mind to ease as the one last test I've had done through the years. Bet it comes out normal. It's a completely different diagnosis than drs like to..come up with. I just got Vestibular..instead of PPPD..etc..Have a good day all. I'm having a good morning. :)
Good morning everyone. Off to get a CT this morning. Was going to get two, one for my heart and one for my inner ear. I can't take the Betta Blocker they wanted me to take for the heart, had to cancel. So glad I'm getting my inner ear done. I've been diagnosed with Vestibular Migraines. No pain, just dizzy like crazy! Meds are helping, and watching The Steady Coach. Better than I've been in a while. This inner ear CT will put my mind to ease as the one last test I've had done through the years. Bet it comes out normal. It's a completely different diagnosis than drs like to..come up with. I just got Vestibular..instead of PPPD..etc..Have a good day all. I'm having a good morning. :)

Good morning Cynthia, glad meds are helping with the dizziness. Hope everything goes fine today!
Well then, you can say y'all! I grew up just south of Los Angeles. Y'all isn't a word used there anymore than it is used here.

Ain't THAT the truth!

Hold him to it!!! Unless you decide KY isn't really where you want to spend the rest of your life.

Um, those places are hot when you have the summer off.

Wow. I hope everyone had paid attention to the flight attendants when they went through the preflight safety info.

Just for Debby!

Um, no. A 4 passenger prop plane is a much bumpier ride than a commercial jet. And there is no snack/drink service.

I gather folks is a somewhat southern thing as well. But definitely gender, and hopefully not demeaning, neutral.
:frow Good morning Bruce, have a great day
Good morning - welcome to another day in Paradise.
:frow Good morning Sour, have a great day
Good song. :)
:frow Good morning Cynthia, have a great day
Thought I was late to the good morning but I just made it in time :yesss:
:frow Good morning Riss, have a great day
They just get the impression that we are not very bright, and therefore must not mean to offended them, bless their hearts.
:gig :lau

Southerners are so polite when they verbally :smacksomeone ;)

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Well not quite, but it feels like it's afternoon!
We all know that USUALLY when you say good morning most of us are still asleep (and you should be too!)

Thought I was late to the good morning but I just made it in time :yesss:
You had 21 minutes to spare!
Good morning everyone. Off to get a CT this morning. Was going to get two, one for my heart and one for my inner ear. I can't take the Betta Blocker they wanted me to take for the heart, had to cancel. So glad I'm getting my inner ear done. I've been diagnosed with Vestibular Migraines. No pain, just dizzy like crazy! Meds are helping, and watching The Steady Coach. Better than I've been in a while. This inner ear CT will put my mind to ease as the one last test I've had done through the years. Bet it comes out normal. It's a completely different diagnosis than drs like to..come up with. I just got Vestibular..instead of PPPD..etc..Have a good day all. I'm having a good morning. :)
Good luck with the tests! I hope everything goes well. Vertigo doesn't sound so bad until you experience it.

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