The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Oh and my dad rehomed my cat while I was gone and told me while I was in and after he did it so I couldn’t do anything about it. So yeah. Things are NOT great in that regard.
I am so sorry! That is just cruel and not at all helpful.

She works up in Telluride. It's pretty, but her driving through the mountains makes me nervous.
Not good with the deer! We always have to watch the sides of the roads and if there is one deer or turkey there are likely more. We've been lucky so far, had a few close ones, sorry she wasn't. The good thing about her driving that road is the ski area exists to make big $$ and to get that they need skiers with big $$. The road is probably kept in better shape all winter than many "lesser" roads people drive on.

It was $3700 for the cow and processing. We got just about 500 lbs of meat.
Ouch, $7.40/lb not including feed for a year, year and a half?? And the "Free" labor involved. And the fuel to get it to and from the processor. But way better meat than grocery store. Money well spent.

I pay $6/lb for burger (whole animal shy the tenderloins) raised locally. Steaks from a different farmer's market vendor are a lot higher.

Taking 4 hydrocodones a day now is messing with me.
Wow, one of those moves my brain outside my head, I would have to be in really bad shape to take them.

I also am going to have clubhouse staff help me find a job after this program ends. And I’m sure once I actually get to the program and see what it’s like then I’ll be fine.
Excellent idea. DD2 has some anxiety issues, not as bad as yours. But we can tell she is in a better place when she is working than when she is home all day doing nothing useful. I think the club would be a good place for you since you are comfortable there and already know a lot of the people. And, frankly, I think personal contact at the right job would be better for you than isolating at home. It isn't like you have a spouse and kids for human interaction. Having a purpose has a purpose ;)

I hope the program helps you settle your mind.

That sounds nice! Maybe I could try that. I’m also scared I’m too dumb to figure out the modern registers even though I’m probably not dumb at all 🤣😭🙈
Like hell you are!!! Anxious yes, smart yes. You just need to put some wins in the confidence bucket.

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