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Diva I have been trying for hours to get this pic to post for you. For what ever reason my phone or computer would not send a pic! I see Clue already posted one. But here is ours this one is food grade. This one had vitamins in it.
Water container.jpg
No power might be up to a week. 60 percent without in this area. I stink.
ooh! You are now a true Alaskan! Welcome aboard! Watch your toes and fingers for frostbite, but filth keeps ya warm, so I am sure that you will be fine. ;)

Happy Halloween everyone!

My standard sized birds decided to pull their own trick or treat prank on me. One of them decided to die overnight. Geesh, my question of 'who died' was answered by ME! ME! as she lay flat on her belly in the coop. She was one of my Marek's resistant Buff O's too so crap crap CRAP! When I checked her over she was of good weight, no signs of illness but she did have a small prolapse that had went undetected. Infection there? More than likely. She was very stinky and her fluffy butt had hid the problem.

I stand and watch my birds a couple of times a day just to make sure nothing is going on that I need to hop on and treat/cull and this gal flew right under the radar.

Down to 18 standard sized birds now but I need to go out and count noses to be sure.

I wish there were orange orchards around us.I'd love to get my hands on a few of those water totes.

So sorry for your loss!!! :hugs Not a nice good morning at all!
We have two of those tanks. We keep one sitting on a small trailer and use it for watering gardens etc. and a backup for when we lose power or if some idiot from the city sets fire to the state land that surrounds us (it's happened :mad: ). The tanks aren't much good for in winter tho. We've got that problem solved too. We have two portable generators, a water heater in the house that holds 35 gallons and if all else fails a sand point well that is normally run by an electric pump but can be easily converted to our hand pump. Heat no problem either. Fireplace of course and a propane cookstove. We've never lost power for more than a few days and those times always happened in either the late fall or early spring snow/ice storms so cold wasn't a serious issue.

We have the blue water tanks 55 gallon we catch rainwater in to use for the chickens and garden

Just a thought, but for those depending on electric for heat, and lights, consider the Coleman fuel lamps. The ones you pour Coleman fuel into. They put out a good bright light, and a decent amount of heat in a pinch.

We have the trash burner we use in the house keeps it quite toasty in here and I have a propane gas stove in the kitchen we do have a good generator also

I saw a post on here somewhere about an online company, um like Tarps something. I will let you know if i see it. I think they advertise with BYC. Even has them on sale.

we have bought major one look for, 9 ml or better best was use amazon

No power might be up to a week. 60 percent without in this area. I stink.

know your not alone it sucks big time I am sorry

True that.Thanks Ron.

I've learned that with the Marek's when they show me that they are sick, I may as well just dig the hole and brace myself.

I've had a couple roosters with severe injuries from fighting during spring breeding season heal up surprisingly well with general first aid and intervention but if they are sick and have been exposed to Marek's that is a different kettle of fish entirely.

I am so sorry for your loss
I have cut back the trees around the coop and will do more. I chose clear panels for the roof because i wanted to let in light. I do plan to open up the sides in summer. I plan to put lattice over the tarps if i have issues with ripping. The woods around the coop do cut back some on the wind.
There is a new coop contest. This one has gift certificates to the BYC store as prizes:

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