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X2 time for a new Doctor. I'd be looking for one.sorry.

Micro that's good news. I hope they can help you now.

Cap congrats on your hatch!
I found names of other Dr.s at the same clinic. She is still giving the old Dr. another chance...I would not do that!
I found names of other Dr.s at the same clinic. She is still giving the old Dr. another chance...I would not do that!
How many "one more chance" has she given him?

Just got off the phone with my doc. NO Rheumatoid Arthritis!:celebrate:wee:woot:woot The only abnormal tests are pointing back to my old history of Rheumatic Fever so we shall see how that plays out next but in the mean time.....relief!
Yea!!!!!!!! There are treatments as I noted but NOT having RA is a lot better than having to treat it.
Are you having Rheumatic fever attacks now? My DW cannot get her Dr. to look into if for her even though she was diagnosed with it 10 or so years ago. I think she is going through the cycles but they will not test for it.

The only thing they have done is for her to have a standing order for a strep throat test.

She moves into the cycle without having a sore throat though. It is considered rare for children now and the Dr. seems to think adults cannot get it. I call him Dr. Death because he has been mentioned in obituaries--thanked for showing compassion as their loved one died. Compassion does not equal competence...

Dunno, Ron. No current strep infections that I know of. The ASO test has always ran high since I was diagnosed. They thought that was just going to be the norm for me but I'm curious to see what my current doctor thinks. I'm supposed to call them back on Monday. Starting to wonder if I shouldn't be back on penicillin again.

As for adults not getting it. BS! Sorry. I was 23 when I was diagnosed. I had worked a peds unit for two months and wound up with a strep throat. Treated with Penicillin and treatment finished so don't let them tell you that if you finish the course of antibiotics you won't get RF. 3 months later I was in the hospital where I stayed for a month and then spent 6 months total in bed. So do not let anyone tell you that adults can't get it.

I've had recurrences of joint pain and inflammation ever since 1976 when I was diagnosed. One nurse told me that it never goes away buy can definitely flair from time to time. I've learned to avoid getting overly tired and to avoid stress.:lau This last round has been less fun than the average though. I'm starting to wonder if it isn't something like a chronic post strep reactive arthritis. But at least I know it isn't RA! Better the devil you know.

I am so sorry your wife is going thought this. It's hades pure and simple. If she would like to talk to somebody with the same problem, have her PM me sometime. It's always a comfort to know that you aren't the only one dealing with this nasty disease.

@CapricornFarm, thank you! And congratulations on the new quail babies. Hope the ones with problems are fixable. Knowing you they will be! My Red Warty Squash and White pumpkins are sprouting like crazy! Thanks again for the seeds!
Dunno, Ron. No current strep infections that I know of. The ASO test has always ran high since I was diagnosed. They thought that was just going to be the norm for me but I'm curious to see what my current doctor thinks. I'm supposed to call them back on Monday. Starting to wonder if I shouldn't be back on penicillin again.

As for adults not getting it. BS! Sorry. I was 23 when I was diagnosed. I had worked a peds unit for two months and wound up with a strep throat. Treated with Penicillin and treatment finished so don't let them tell you that if you finish the course of antibiotics you won't get RF. 3 months later I was in the hospital where I stayed for a month and then spent 6 months total in bed. So do not let anyone tell you that adults can't get it.

I've had recurrences of joint pain and inflammation ever since 1976 when I was diagnosed. One nurse told me that it never goes away buy can definitely flair from time to time. I've learned to avoid getting overly tired and to avoid stress.:lau This last round has been less fun than the average though. I'm starting to wonder if it isn't something like a chronic post strep reactive arthritis. But at least I know it isn't RA! Better the devil you know.

I am so sorry your wife is going thought this. It's hades pure and simple. If she would like to talk to somebody with the same problem, have her PM me sometime. It's always a comfort to know that you aren't the only one dealing with this nasty disease.

@CapricornFarm, thank you! And congratulations on the new quail babies. Hope the ones with problems are fixable. Knowing you they will be! My Red Warty Squash and White pumpkins are sprouting like crazy! Thanks again for the seeds!
Thanks so much!

She has likely had it for years too but was diagnosed by a factor in a blood test for strep. The Dr. at the time(a good one) put her anti biotics for a month or so and told her that she could have recurrences for up to 4 years.

My DW goes through a cycle of sore throat, wheezing from the heat being attacked and then involuntary movements when it his nerves. She has had the scarlet fever rash as recently as last summer.

The current Dr. does not believe it though.

Her motorcycle accident three plus years ago has not helped either
Thanks so much!

She has likely had it for years too but was diagnosed by a factor in a blood test for strep. The Dr. at the time(a good one) put her anti biotics for a month or so and told her that she could have recurrences for up to 4 years.

My DW goes through a cycle of sore throat, wheezing from the heat being attacked and then involuntary movements when it his nerves. She has had the scarlet fever rash as recently as last summer.

The current Dr. does not believe it though.

Her motorcycle accident three plus years ago has not helped either

You might try asking him nicely for a second opinion.
Thanks so much!

She has likely had it for years too but was diagnosed by a factor in a blood test for strep. The Dr. at the time(a good one) put her anti biotics for a month or so and told her that she could have recurrences for up to 4 years.

My DW goes through a cycle of sore throat, wheezing from the heat being attacked and then involuntary movements when it his nerves. She has had the scarlet fever rash as recently as last summer.

The current Dr. does not believe it though.

Her motorcycle accident three plus years ago has not helped either

I'm sorry, but IMHO she needs another doctor. People forget that their doctors work for the patient and not the other way around.

I had the rheumatic rash also. I also ran a low grade temperature every afternoon and evening for months. Had joint pain, had sudden unexplained nose bleeds. crippling fatigue and flu like symptoms. I finally wound up in the hospital and the diagnosis came up through lab work and an elevated sed rate and positive ASO.

I sure hope you can find a doctor that can get to the bottom of her symptoms. I keep telling myself that I need to slow down, get more rest. I can deal with RF, it and I are old adversaries.
I'm sorry, but IMHO she needs another doctor. People forget that their doctors work for the patient and not the other way around.

I had the rheumatic rash also. I also ran a low grade temperature every afternoon and evening for months. Had joint pain, had sudden unexplained nose bleeds. crippling fatigue and flu like symptoms. I finally wound up in the hospital and the diagnosis came up through lab work and an elevated sed rate and positive ASO.

I sure hope you can find a doctor that can get to the bottom of her symptoms. I keep telling myself that I need to slow down, get more rest. I can deal with RF, it and I are old adversaries.
I will tell her this!


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