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I shall tell Karin you said so, and then she will say "pfft"
. I tend to not photograph well when I'm aware of the camera. 1.) I still haven't learned to look natural.

Tall I might be, and a bit slim at the moment, but I would need to find a pleasant way of building upper body musculature. I've gone down from 211lbs to 182lbs since Christmas, and I'm starting to look like a junkie soon. 2.) The coop build was a good project, but now I haven't had to do any heavy lifting in a while and it's starting to show again.
1. Maybe that IS you, looking natural! I have a friend that always has a mean look on his face. He rarely smiles, but is actually friendly and pleasant. Whenever someone says, "Smile, Donny" he says, in a deadpan manner, "I am smiling." It's really funny.

2. Looks like you need to build another coop! I realize you do not have room for another one at your place, so I am offering my services to your time of need. Not only will I put you and Karin up when you come to the States, but I will let you "finnish" my breeder barn and even build another coop from scratch! That's just how awesome I am!
Guys, you need to wake up now, I feel like I'm talking to myself here.

Update on Veera: Today she has exited the coop twice on her own. When you have had broodies, how do they snap out of it when you let them do it by themselves? Is it gradual, or do they just decide to stop sitting on the nest and don't return to it?
Both. I know, so helpful, right? Either way, it has been my experience that until they completely give up they are non-productive.
I shall tell Karin you said so, and then she will say "pfft"
. I tend to not photograph well when I'm aware of the camera. 1.) I still haven't learned to look natural.

Tall I might be, and a bit slim at the moment, but I would need to find a pleasant way of building upper body musculature. I've gone down from 211lbs to 182lbs since Christmas, and I'm starting to look like a junkie soon. 2.) The coop build was a good project, but now I haven't had to do any heavy lifting in a while and it's starting to show again.
1. Maybe that IS you, looking natural! I have a friend that always has a mean look on his face. He rarely smiles, but is actually friendly and pleasant. Whenever someone says, "Smile, Donny" he says, in a deadpan manner, "I am smiling." It's really funny.

2. Looks like you need to build another coop! I realize you do not have room for another one at your place, so I am offering my services to your time of need. Not only will I put you and Karin up when you come to the States, but I will let you "finnish" my breeder barn and even build another coop from scratch! That's just how awesome I am!
I tend to smile quite a lot normally, and usually people don't ask me if I need some prunejuice or something, but in photos I look constipated all the time.

Now that is a sweet offer Wisher. Now if you'll just organize someone to care for our dogs and chickens, and get us free tickets, we can fly right on over.
Quote: Yeah, I'm not expecting her to start laying immediately, I just want her out of the nest so she doesn't teach the others bad manners. Wilma the Marans made accidentally laid an egg on the lawn earlier, and a few hours later she was sitting in the nest, I hope she was just confused about the laying. With my luck, she's experimenting with broodiness too.
I shall tell Karin you said so, and then she will say "pfft"
. I tend to not photograph well when I'm aware of the camera. 1.) I still haven't learned to look natural.

Tall I might be, and a bit slim at the moment, but I would need to find a pleasant way of building upper body musculature. I've gone down from 211lbs to 182lbs since Christmas, and I'm starting to look like a junkie soon. 2.) The coop build was a good project, but now I haven't had to do any heavy lifting in a while and it's starting to show again.
1. Maybe that IS you, looking natural! I have a friend that always has a mean look on his face. He rarely smiles, but is actually friendly and pleasant. Whenever someone says, "Smile, Donny" he says, in a deadpan manner, "I am smiling." It's really funny.

2. Looks like you need to build another coop! I realize you do not have room for another one at your place, so I am offering my services to your time of need. Not only will I put you and Karin up when you come to the States, but I will let you "finnish" my breeder barn and even build another coop from scratch! That's just how awesome I am!
I tend to smile quite a lot normally, and usually people don't ask me if I need some prunejuice or something, but in photos I look constipated all the time.

Now that is a sweet offer Wisher. Now if you'll just organize someone to care for our dogs and chickens, and get us free tickets, we can fly right on over.
Alaskan, those baby ducks are soooooooo cute! I really want ducks! I'd have build a whole other pen or five though! Auuugghhh!

I have never been hit as hard by an actor's death as I was by Robin Williams. I grew up watching him! Morl and Mindy, Hook, stand-up, so many good movies! One of my friends on Facebook posted about the clown and knowing about tears....really hit me as well:

Man goes to doctor.  Says he's depressed.  Says life seems harsh and cruel.

Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain.

Doctor says "Treatment is simple.  Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight.  Go and see him.  That should pick you up."

Man bursts into tears.

Says "But, doctor..."

"...I am Pagliacci."
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Good morning, old folks. Trying to wake up here, but due to the overcast weather and the fact that I stayed up late playing Guild Wars the coffee doesn't seem to be working. (yawn)

Maddy is eating her chocolate cereal and watching Jake and the Neverland Pirates. Three roosters are having a crow-off outside the window. I'm trying to decide whether I want to get some apples picked to go with dinner tonight or whether I just want to crawl back into bed and sleep for the rest of the week.

Dragonfly I feel the same way about Robin's death as well. I feel like he has been a part of "our" family since he first showed up on Happy Days in a cameo as Mork. That is where Mork and Mindy spun off from. I feel like I have lost a dear relative even though I only knew him from his performances. I knew he had addiction to drugs and alcohol in the past but I did not know he had depression problems. It is so sad to know that a man who could make the whole world laugh with him was so lost inside. We still have a long way to go to truly help people with depression that is so debilitating. I have seen so many fond remembrances on the internet and I am really hoping they help ease some of the pain for his family. Sad day....
I tend to not photograph well when I'm aware of the camera. I still haven't learned to look natural.
1. Maybe that IS you, looking natural! I have a friend that always has a mean look on his face. He rarely smiles, but is actually friendly and pleasant. Whenever someone says, "Smile, Donny" he says, in a deadpan manner, "I am smiling." It's really funny.
I tend to smile quite a lot normally, and usually people don't ask me if I need some prunejuice or something, but in photos I look constipated all the time.

As Erma Bombeck said, "when you look like your passport photo, it's time to go home." Cameras have never been kind to me; I avoid them as much as possible,

Most of the people in my family got stuck with a mouth that has corners that turn down when relaxed. Even when we smile, until we flash the ol' pearly whites, the corners turn down - an "upside down" smile. I've developed a habit of deliberately keeping a bit of a smile on around people, just to avoid the inevitable "what's the matter?" ("Oh, it's just this stupid face - pay it no mind"). That's one of the nice things about animals - they don't mind when gravity takes over.
Help Please.... one of my ee's is bad off I went out to check eggs and found one of my 3 month old ee's on the ground in a corner not moving and had laid there long enough to poo on himself a couple times. When I picked him up he was limp and I checked all over him and found nothing wrong with him. He cannot even open his eyes or pick up his head... He was fine yesterday. Any ideas? I don't want to lose him!

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