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Quote: In some birds, butterflies, moths, and other organisms, the female is the heterogametic sex. These females are designated ZW, while the males are ZZ.
She was in the nest box so it is not a great pic but you can see her comb and face. lol If you want I will get another pic of her later.

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ChickenCanoe, I heard on this morning's news that last night was much quieter, attributable, it would appear, to the different approach adopted by the State Police. I listened to an interview with the (former?) Seattle Police Chief I think on Monday, he described the difference in the general attitude of crowds when officers dressed in riot gear. This morning's report seems to have borne that out. I hope things remain calmer.

Did you happen to catch Olbermann describing his first actions as the new (pretend) Baseball Commissioner? Worth a watch, if you didn't.
Statistically speaking, officers involved in any type of on duty shooting, regardless of circumstances or who fired the shot, are off the force within a year. I bet he doesn't last that long.
The Officer that was involved in the pepper spraying incident here on the UC Davis campus did not last a year.

He did get disability insurance pay though. He was very stressed by it all.
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The good that comes of it is that information that should not be hidden, isn't. The public's perception in cases like these is that the more secrets kept, the more it appears the parties involved are crafting their story before releasing information. I confess to feeling distrust when anyone paid with tax dollars tries to keep information secret. I understand the risk to the officer involved, being an officer of the law in any capacity is risky.

I heard an interview with a Reverend Johnson last night, who was one of two people in what is said to be a very compelling photograph taken by a Washington Post photographer. As he choked up, I did as well.

The thing that will stay with me forever, after the high-profile shootings of young black men the last couple of years, is hearing a black man who is now an adult, tell about being taught at a very young age he was not to run in public. Think about that for a minute. You are a child. Because of the color of your skin, you are risking your life if you run in public. I found it deeply and profoundly heartbreaking.
While my birth country, Australia cannot boast a history racial tolerance, my adopted country needs some drastic changes.

The USA is too quick to divide us all by labels.

African Americans, Japanese Americans, Jewish Americans, Irish Americans.

The telling part of this is we divide first. We are Americans first and formost. We need to drop the divisor and unite as one. Until we do that, there will always be state sponsored racism.
While my birth country, Australia cannot boast a history racial tolerance, my adopted country needs some drastic changes.

The USA is too quick to divide us all by labels.

African Americans, Japanese Americans, Jewish Americans, Irish Americans.

The telling part of this is we divide first. We are Americans first and formost. We need to drop the divisor and unite as one. Until we do that, there will always be state sponsored racism.
I agree 100% My grandfather had to go back to his home town and change his birth certificate and his mothers name to be able to join the Army and then the Police force.
Whenever asked of my background I have always said "a proud 3rd generation American of Irish and German dissent". I taught my children from the time they were young to reply in a similar appropriate manner and they have now taught my granddaughters likewise.

Very good children

Once upon a time, at least where I grew up, we were all Americans first, then the divisions yes, but first Americans. Even during the riots.
I was living in Michigan at the time and one of a handful that know the truth of how they got started and was never proud of knowing the faces of those that started it all and how they did it. ( It was NOT what the rest of the country was led to believe but the truth was no better.)
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