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Double trouble. I wonder which scared them off.

Conversations on this thread can be a real revelation, can't they?

There are revelations, and then there are REVELATIONS!
In the early 80's my mother had a neighbor man that was around 50, and he started wearing a little speedo when he was outside. He strutted like we couldn't see his beer belly bouncing above the speedo, or his bow legs sticking out under it. Well, not long after he started doing this, he began getting attention. There were a couple of men that lived in our neighborhood, and they would slide on over to talk to him when he was outside, and hang outside watching him mow, sometimes bringing a friend. The wives in her neighborhood did a regular Saturday brunch, which is how my mother learned that two of the husbands in her neighborhood were gay, but not the one that wore the speedo. These were the ones hanging out at her neighbor's when he would go out in his little speedo. Well, one day her neighbor was out in his little speedo, all the men gathered in the front yard drinking a beer. His wife came home early from work, and saw what was going on. No one ever found out what was said, but he NEVER wore his little speedo outside again.

Just a hint for you older dudes: No woman wants to see old man saggy baggy butt, unless she is already in a relationship with you, so use the speedo for target practice. LOL!
I went over a few days ago to give my neighbor some honey from our hive. She answered the door in her underwear (and both her kids were completely naked). Upon answering the door she then began to explain that her underwear were nude colored, but she was wearing them. Uh, yes, I noticed that.

Life in the country. I love it.
I am conflicted.

I love the rural lifestyle but crave the city.

When I am in the city, I crave the rural lifestyle.

For me personally, I need a balance of open spaces, multicultural restaurants, free ranging and live theater.

I have yet to find that place
I enjoy the food and the culture and miss it, but not more than I miss the peace and quiet and wide open spaces of the country life.

I am rendering my beeswax from the honey harvest last weekend. I thought having a ton of sticky honey all over everything in the kitchen was bad. Wax is worse.
I went over a few days ago to give my neighbor some honey from our hive. She answered the door in her underwear (and both her kids were completely naked). Upon answering the door she then began to explain that her underwear were nude colored, but she was wearing them. Uh, yes, I noticed that.

Life in the country. I love it.

Hmmm, I have heard of women cleaning house in their underwear or nude but only in reference. LOL I thought most of them kept a robe by the door incase someone knocks. LOL
Now DiDi, we are going to have to take a vote on this...... I have a different opinion........ I was on swim teams from the time I was 6 through high school and college. I like the Speedos......
Wisher I would argue that you are having fond memories of your high school and college days. I really don't think those people would look the same these days dressed the same way.

I think Didi is just trying to protect us from her

Me in speedos could ruin minds forever
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ See Oz understood my point EXACTLY!!!
Me in a bikini and you would wish (yes you wisher) you were BLIND!!!!!
I completely understand being dressed or not in the privacy of your own home. I sleep with very little on because of the dang hot flashes. I used to feel uncomfortable sleeping that way but necessity drove me to it. I know DH loves it but I WOULD NOT answer the door that way. Not even to scare away any Mormons (well they are my neighbors you know
Oh, come on DiDi, you know you could totally rock a two-piece!

I often go to the chicken coop in my night gown. I love to get up early, make myself a cup of coffee, and walk out to check on the birds. Only a time or two have I been caught out there by someone pulling up in the drive. One time I stayed until they left, and the other time, I had my phone and called the house to have my children take them into the living room so I could slip in and put on some clothes before I made an appearance. Oh, there was one time when my teenager brought two of his friends out to the coop while I was there with my gown on. I called out to them to keep their eyes on their shoes..............and they did!

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