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Here, Kitty Kitty Kitty.....


Awww yes I know those kitty's well. My dog stole a kitten from one and insisted on raising it as her baby.
That was fun, once.

Our cat we had growing up was 1/2 bobcat. Unusually nice for a cat he was.
Miss Olivia, is gonna need a haircut soon. None of the babies in my family were born with hair. My first niece was bald till after a year old.
Miss Olivia has very artistic hands.   Hmmm....  Which side of the family does that come from?  ;)

Yeah thinking that comes from her mother's side of the family. This is a painting DD made for the nursery. Creativity runs on my side. ;)
That baby is a dolly! And she will love that quilt forever. A couple of my kids have their very first blankey.
Talent does seem to run through the family. My mother was a very talented artist in drawings. Me? NO! My daughter got it. Can't believe what she can draw. Your daughter is blessed to have gotten your talents. Will be interesting to see what Olivia does once a crayon is put into her hands. :)

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