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Agreed that moving is onerous. It should be listed in there with the Seven Major Life Stressors. Gave my DH the edict that THIS is it. Not moving again. Last year settling Mom's estate and our own move I had to pack out three houses pretty much all by myself and now I'll cry "Uncle" or something less savory. It's not just the packing and unpacking, but you have to render judgment on everything you handle: "Is this worth keeping?" "Do I want it? Do I need it? Will I use it? Do I love it?" and dealing with the emotional charge therein and then "Where will I put it? How will it fit into my life?"

Yeah, it's all too much..... And, truth be told, I was so burnt out by all the moving that I still haven't unpacked a goodly portion of the boxes that sit in the living room. The front of our place looks like a warehouse....and I don't care.


WOW! Exactly! I still haven't hung my decorative plates or any art/pictures even though I bought this place. They haven't been hung/displayed (ANY of them) in any of the last 4 places I've called home.
Well, this is timely. As we speak, DH is waiting on his rental truck which did not show up at pick up this morning. They are driving one in from another town, he is incensed. I called to inquire and they told us we get 50% off for the trouble. The sad part is they sent an automated email yesterday that it was ready and waiting, and then it wasn't. OOPS.

He isn't leaving until Thursday so it really isn't a huge deal, but yes of all the moves this one is the smallest and is turning out to be the most stressful.
I, too, am affected by insomnia. I'm lucky if I get a few hours a night. I really don't have a problem falling asleep (I'm so exhausted) but staying asleep is difficult. I refuse to take prescription drugs for it. On the one hand, I'm very productive during the night, on the other hand, I'm about 3 steps from crazy due to exhaustion.
My sleep comes on small doses too... and I too am much more productive at night. I attribute it to being raised by a Lark and an Owl... Dad was the lark he was up every morning at 4 am and puttering in his Lab... bedroom next to mine. Mom was the Owl. She slept till almost noon was up till one am Which was when she did laundry and vacuumed....

I almost normalized when I moved out on my own... Then I discovered dancing... and now I was up till the wee hours in the morning and having to be at work by six.

And for get any kind of regular sleep when you have young children....

I Only recently discovered over the counter sleep aids... containing diphenhydramine 25 mg I just looked it up.... Its an antihistamine and goes by another name of Benedryl....
But the dosage for sleep aid says to take two for 50 mg at bed time. When I take two I am very very groggy the next day. (I call it sleeping pill hangover) But if I take one and I am good to go.

Benedryl is safe, too! It is one of the ones I will take...... and I don't do drugs, even OTC, unless I feel I absolutely have to. I know this because my OBGYN told me to take one at bedtime during my pregnancies to aid sleep. He was quite strict about what he would and wouldn't let me take. If he said it was safe, it must be.

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