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Your battery is getting low bama.
Was looking for what breed of roosters are sold as capons nowdays and came across this, gross
Love the pics SCG I have kids that were into Goth and bands. But mine did all the piercings and black hair, black make up, black nail polish. Black spiked collars and everything else they could think of.
They are still the same just look a bit different for a bit.
Now, now. There is absolutely nothing wrong with growing up goth.

Lookit how well adjusted I am.

It was a bass guitar. I was in a band.

And I did wear black lipstick and white face paint but don't have those pictures readily available. I also wore a giant upside down painted black wooden cross around my neck, I'd do almost anything to get those pictures back.
We need those pics.

My daughter wants to be in a band and wants to play bass. We told her she had to show interesting in learning one of the acoustic guitars that are already in the house before we would spring for an electric bass. She changes her mind frequently.
Ha! We went through that after violin lessons, she decided she needed a electric guitar. Her dad caved. Wait until he finds out she's begging for drums now.

Love the pics SCG I have kids that were into Goth and bands. But mine did all the piercings and black hair, black make up, black nail polish. Black spiked collars and everything else they could think of.
They are still the same just look a bit different for a bit.
My youngest is just starting down the path. She has started wearing mostly black and band t shirts and "tattooing" her arms. It's funny because she doesn't wear makeup at all. All her favorite bands wear some kind of "war paint". I have a feeling it won't be long. She is already talking about her lip piercing ideas.
I thought it had to be done when they are still very very young....?

deb "who is very curious"
sorry - i meant the next generation.

As all the birds I sell will grow up to become my competition, I have to create a "greenfire farms" of the Phils. The current plan is to not sell live Bresse hens - only as dressed birds. I will also try capons.
I won't be caponing my first gen of white jersey giants, have to wait to select the biggest for breeding.

I imagine those 'jewels' for sale are from butchered full grown roosters.

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