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Oz that is wonderful!!!

chickisoup I am on the fence when it comes to herbal supplements for things. There are issues with how effective they are because of standardization problems. Because they do not fall under the FDA, they are not regulated. That concerns me somewhat. I know "real" doctors will most likely "poo poo" them because many doctors are "pushing" the latest and greatest medicines the drug company reps are helping them push. Many of those medicines have possible side effects worse than the disease they are supposed to cure/help. So where does that leave us? I say do your own research into either the supplements or the medicine before taking it. If it works for you, take it. If it doesn't then don't. I had a psychiatrist try to increase DS's antidepressants (this was before they were known to cause suicidal issues with children) based on a single question he asked my son during a first time interview with him that lasted all of 15 minutes. I remember the doc handing me a script and telling me to make sure I set up our next appointment on my way out. Well you can guess what happened. We did not stop at the front desk, we got to the car and never went back. In fact when we got home I chose to take him off the antidepressants myself and thank goodness I did. I think they would have made things worse. I know some of these statements are somewhat blanket statements but I am so fed up with the majority of the medical community that I hate going to the doctor. I am not saying there aren't good docs out there or honest drug reps, it just seems that they are few and far between. IMO (ok done with my two cents and off the soap box now
Thank you for your input dsqard
but I can't risk just trying anything because like Deb pointed out, herbals can have side effects too. They can also have negative interactions with medications. I have to take a pretty sensitive and rather nasty chemo class drug every day to keep the leukemia at bay so I don't take anything my onc hasn't fully vetted and approved of. There is a whole list of known things (incl. grapefruit juice) that have a not so nice interaction with my drug and since it is relatively new, others are being discovered fairly often.
BTW- my onc not only recognizes the value of herbal alternatives in some cases, he has at times recommended one to help counteract some of my drug side effects. My PCP is also a big fan of "alternative" medicines. Guess I have just lucked out when I got professionals with an expanded knowledge and open minds.
I am hearing more and more anectdotal stories like this... Which impresses me to no end. And inforces the need to have an open dialogue with your doc. Places like Kaiser where you see a doc that sees probably a thousand different patients per year... You simply dont have time to get to know each other....

In my case it was So what are we seeing you for Mrs... uh Dixon... he had to read my chart and I had already spoken to three different people on the phone for the appointment. Iam not a Mrs... That ispires confidence. At least take five minutes to read what the nurses have written down and find out what my name is before coming into the exam room.

This was not a Kaiser doc by the way.

I did have a breakdown because I was feeling so lousy and had crappy insurance I was trying to get a doc that would take me on as a patient. I wanted to sell everything and get a gastric by pass. No one would take me. Except a Natural-path doc. After I calmed down and we had a good long discussion she prescribed Nystatin... and told me to read up on Candida.

Ho boy did that plain old calm discussion did more for me than the drug. Nystatin... Yep the same stuff thats in the cream for yeast infections. But Candida is a whole body infection of yeast. It messes with your brain function and causes you pain in your joints .... a bunch of nasty stuff. It was a huge dose and the prescription without insurance was 125 for a thirty day supply. 500,000 units three times a day....
While I was taking it I learned that a low carb diet was best to support the meds.

I can tell when I have been bad because I have major pain in my knees and am incredibly hungry all the time. when I back off with the carbs and take coconut oil as a supplement I feel immensely better. coconut oil is mono unsaturated oil especially the unprocessed type you can get in healthfood stores.

For what its worth I dont like the taste of the stuff. Well it has no taste but that Coconut floural note is off putting. But take a teaspoon and float it on hot coffee and its pretty yummy.

Glad it worked out so well for you Deb! Candida can infect people and most doctors don't think about it and most people don't even know about it.
I had one Dr tell me I would have had to be severely ill with some immune deficiency thing to have that! Huh! Well I didn't go back to her again. ACV and limit sugars and carbs and it makes a huge difference!
Hey hey hey, I feel so much relief today! I moved to brooders full of babies into outside brooders and one brooder into a grow out pen and I feel like the load was lightened up a lot! I guess because I sold a bunch over the weekend also. What a relief.
Now I am down to just three brooders in the back room and just two outside.
Oz that is wonderful!!! :weee
chickisoup I am on the fence when it comes to herbal supplements for things. There are issues with how effective they are because of standardization problems. Because they do not fall under the FDA, they are not regulated. That concerns me somewhat. I know "real" doctors will most likely "poo poo" them because many doctors are "pushing" the latest and greatest medicines the drug company reps are helping them push. Many of those medicines have possible side effects worse than the disease they are supposed to cure/help. So where does that leave us? I say do your own research into either the supplements or the medicine before taking it. If it works for you, take it. If it doesn't then don't. I had a psychiatrist try to increase DS's antidepressants (this was before they were known to cause suicidal issues with children) based on a single question he asked my son during a first time interview with him that lasted all of 15 minutes. I remember the doc handing me a script and telling me to make sure I set up our next appointment on my way out. Well you can guess what happened. We did not stop at the front desk, we got to the car and never went back. In fact when we got home I chose to take him off the antidepressants myself and thank goodness I did. I think they would have made things worse. I know some of these statements are somewhat blanket statements but I am so fed up with the majority of the medical community that I hate going to the doctor. I am not saying there aren't good docs out there or honest drug reps, it just seems that they are few and far between. IMO (ok done with my two cents and off the soap box now ;) )

My wife and I have have had Lamasil prescribed for nail fungus and the fungus returned after 30 days of Lamasil. A daily application of Tea Tree Oil cured both months ago.

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