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Anything posted on April 1st is suspect.
RedBox did a cute April Fool's post this morning for PetBox, DVD's for your pet's entertainment (complete with lower-to-the-ground kiosk). Featuring such classics as "Paws" and "50 Shades of Greyhound"

So we finally have state imposed water restrictions in CA

The March snowpack measurement came in at 0.9 inches of water content in the snow, just 5% of the March 3 historical average for the measurement site.
The overall water content for the Northern Sierra snowpack came in at 4.4 inches, just 16% of average for the date. Central and southern Sierra readings were 5.5 inches (20% of average) and 5 inches (22% of average) respectively.
Only once in recorded history has the water content of the snow been lower.
To replenish the water supply it would take all the water that runs over Niagra Falls for 170 days.
Saw and heard this on national news today... Bummer! That is so sad as California is a beautiful state...when irrigated. This is in juxtaposition with the New Mexico talk show this morning that was claiming that even though Albuquerque had added 250,000 new families, the water consumption was 8 billions gallons less than previously AND the aquifer is actually higher and in better shape than several years ago. A lot of people have gladly let go of the manicured yard and opted for the sagebrush rustica.

that just makes me burn with curiosity
There's a cream for that.
...or an herbal wash.
dd is a woman of mystery

Have you been drinking? Lol! Just read debs post, next time diva when you edit something you find controversial or whatever, do what I do, just put a completely different post down, I had one I changed my mind because I thought I'd get a slap, and reposted "I love my chickens" Lol!
I just logged on with the laptop, the retirement notice isn't posted on my phone, big banner on the laptop.
Checked it out, Oz posted "why is everyone so nice to moderators?" and bama said "How bout anarchy " Lol!
Do you think they will have any humor?
I just logged on with the laptop, the retirement notice isn't posted on my phone, big banner on the laptop.
Checked it out, Oz posted "why is everyone so nice to moderators?" and bama said "How bout anarchy " Lol!
Do you think they will have any humor?

Oz may be ok--But Bama?
They do fade. When my DH was in the Navy he got a tattoo of a red anchor by Lyle Tuttle (famous tattoo artist back in the day in San Francisco). Well, several decades (heck, several score) later he wants to get it freshened up a bit. Nope. No legitimate tattoo artist will touch would be like defacing a masterpiece. So DH is stuck with a pink anchor....

Many stories about tatts. I have one friend who flew choppers in Nam. Saw a lot of horrific things. He coped with the pain by getting tattoos, full arms both sides, then chest and back. You wouldn't know it unless he wore a T-shirt. The guy is decent as the day is long.

DH loves getting tattoos. I have one, but kept it hidden from the family until after Mom had passed. She, being the proper Victorian that she was, truly would've disinherited me. The first time DH was helping me do yardwork at Mom's house (I put in her veggie garden every year) she came out and just stared at the tatts. She went inside and soon Dad came out. Then I heard the conversation: "Well, he's a sailor, Dear. That's what they do...."
Wear that pink anchor proudly, I say.

I heat that alot about coping, the stories are all there in the artwork.


HR where I work is very strict when it comes to hiring, and then there is a hair test for drugs. It used to be no one could work here unless they were hired full time so they could be in the union (we are guaranteed 40hrs). A couple contracts ago the company got temporary employment into the contract only for what they call 'busy season' during the year. They were brought in from a outside temp agency, bypassing HR requirements. We have a few of those workers here full time now that I know that HR would have not even given them a interview. One of them is a older (early 50s) biker lady who has many tattoos, even on her hands, fingers and neck. She has been here four years now and is one of the best, hardest workers this place has. Can't 'judge a book by it's cover'.

She was our roo's favorite when he first got sexually active. Problem was, he wasn't very good at it. And she wasn't very willing. He's never broken her skin though, and she's looked like that for something like 4 months. The roo is much better at it now, and much more gentle, so I haven't seen a need for a saddle. And he hasn't been focusing his advances on her either, but she has just stayed bald and feather free on her back. That's why I hope she molts after raising these little ones. It doesn't seem to bother her, she slept outside in -20C weather just fine. She just isn't very photogenic...

If I were to make a saddle though, I saw a great idea somewhere. Take one of those beanie caps (the tight fitting ones), cut holes for the head and wings, and presto, you've got yourself some chicken couture.

I need pics of this Felix.

Morning everyone
@dsgard - thank you
No cure for me (yet
) but the new chemo drugs are doing a good job of keeping the CML at bay. They are really making new strides every day.

The sun is shining and it just might be warm (ish) today!!!!

Have a great day today and remember

So be careful out there!!!!
I went the whole day until I logged on here.

Is it me or is this year's prank not nearly as good as the past few years?
It got me. I'm such a noob.

Anything posted on April 1st is suspect.

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