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yep.... today was Palm Sunday... this coming week is Holy Week (lots of services), I need to drive to the next big town over (so, an all day thing) on Tuesday for one kid to get braces... going to cost me giant bucks... I still haven't finished taxes.... uh... there is more... but yep... totally distracted

I would say so....
during those times I have to put my credit cards and money in a fishing license tag and hang it around my neck.....

BTW: Did I mention I have an Easter chick! I saw her! She is fluffy and adorable and was promptly stuffed back under by Mama. Hope some of the others hatch so she will have friends soon.
oh... and one of the rentals I manage... the tenants have been arrested....  and the house now has squatters in it
Geez, you a low squatters? Maybe I will move to Alaska!
Still snowing here, big fluffy flakes all day.
How's that song go? "I'm dreaming of a white Easter".....
Hey everybody, sitting in my chair, feet propped up and computer (finally fixed...woohoo) in my lap. I just got home today from 3 weeks rehab after my right knee replacement. Fabulous experience. (Besides the pain ha) I met some wonderful new friends and had such a rewarding time. I followed the instructions implicitly and the results are amazing. My SIL kept saying " I can't believe how good you're doing. No limp and stamina is up and running. I was able to get out to the coops a couple of times today to check on the babies. No, they don't look as good. I had to change from fermented feed for Clint to put out.regular. Used twice as much also. They're a little neglected. But I'm home to bring them back to their beautiful glory. Great to be back.
Linda, that is awesome. I'm happy our are doing so well in your recovery!!! I bet the birdies missed you too.

I love the couple one.

I can't imagine why you are distracted today!
wow Alaskan.

BTW: Did I mention I have an Easter chick! I saw her! She is fluffy and adorable and was promptly stuffed back under by Mama. Hope some of the others hatch so she will have friends soon.

Didja notice, not one person said "it's Alaskan's fault."

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