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Thanks Puddin.

I still love that beautiful hen of yours.

Thank you! I can't wait to see how the chicks feather out. I put some mixes in so I am anxious to get a closer look at the chicks to see if I can pick out different traits.
Best of luck and much success to those attempting to give up the nicotine addiction. Kudos to those who have succeeded! I stopped smoking in Oct 2010 and as I look back, can't believe I was ever a smoker despite being a 2pack/day+ smoker for over 40 years. I attempted to "quit" many, many times, but always went back... Then a very smart nurse explained some psychology to me... Being a quitter has negative implications... especially for a retired military guy like myself. She said don't try to be a quitter... make a conscious CHOICE to stop... not quit. It worked
I guess instead of being a quitter I became a stopper (for what, only God knows!)
I used the patch and wellbutrin for about 3-4 weeks and then stopped using that as well. Never could acquire a taste for the gum or lozenges
Don't care for the old ashtray smell anymore, but am not hostile to others smoking around me as long as it's not an enclosed area/space. I prefer to be upwind regardless.

SCG, sorry about your continuation of winter. Still wish I was back up there in Maine. loved it there, cold and all.
Stop calling beercan "dude".

And Alaskan is also typing in third Person....


I packed up smoking 18 months back after smoking for 55 years, it's unbelievable how much better life is without them, most days I would get through 50 0n a good day good is that ?

It's snowing.

And sticking.

And my car broke down on my way to work this morning.

And when I went to go pick up my rental they didn't have any cars.

But I quit smoking 13 February 2002. I highly recommend combining the patch with gum or lozenge. And the fox that came by this morning didn't get a chicken or a duck prior to us getting a shot off at it. So I'll take the good with the bad.
OK universe, SCG needs a break please.

Yeah for all those quitting smoking!!!!!


In broody news -

I still don't have a final count but for sure there are 3!

I am a bit perplexed: I set 8 eggs and when I candled on day 18 ( and got the surprise pip egg) I thought I had 4 goods and 4 quitters. I shoved them all back under the girls because I was in shock. I went down tonight to pull the bad eggs and only came out with 2 eggs. SOOOO? Either my candling was off and there are more chicks under there than I thought or
they busted a couple of the quitters and are sitting in
. I pulled a couple large pieces of shell out but not the equivalent of 4-6 eggs.

Guess I will know when they get moving. Can't wait to see them up and out

Great job all the smoking quitters! Yep, I'm of the camp that you need to be ready to quit for you and no one else. It's not their struggle, it's yours. I commend all who quit and those who never stop trying. My asthma came from my mother who smoked in my nursery, in the car, everywhere I was all the time and it took her 40 yrs before she tried to quit the first time. She has quit 6 times since and this last time it's been almost a year. Yay Mom.
Great job all the smoking quitters! Yep, I'm of the camp that you need to be ready to quit for you and no one else. It's not their struggle, it's yours. I commend all who quit and those who never stop trying. My asthma came from my mother who smoked in my nursery, in the car, everywhere I was all the time and it took her 40 yrs before she tried to quit the first time. She has quit 6 times since and this last time it's been almost a year. Yay Mom.
The very same goes for any kind of lifestyle change... Good support from home as in a cheering squad... is helpful too. Not ""Are you _________again?"" fill in your favorite jibe in there

Congrats, Dude, keep it up!

I smoked for about 15 years. I tried to quit many, many, MANY times and something would always make me start back. I had a cigarette in my mouth in the bathroom as I waited on the bar on the stick (HPT) to show up. It did and I dropped that cigarette in the toilet and haven't had one since. The funny thing was, it really was not that hard once picking them back up was not an option for 10 months. I made up my mind that if I could quit for 10 months, I could quit forever. I don't understand people that quit for a year, or longer, and then start back. You couldn't pay me to have one now, just because I know how hard it is to stop, and how nice it is not to be hooked on them. It is amazing how much power that burning stick has over your life. There are still times when I feel that urge to smoke. I'll be driving down the road and think, "If I still smoked, I'd have one right now." It is easy to ignore, it just strikes me as odd that after 20 years, I still have sudden cravings.

Dude, the first two weeks are the hardest, then it slowly gets progressively easier. The trick is to make smoking no longer an option. Make up your mind that you are NOT going to try to quit, you ARE going to quit. I really hope you make it.

I also smoked 15 years. I gave it up 4 years ago and yes, it's hard but so rewarding. Reformed addicts are the best cheerleaders. Yea, Dude!!!!!!
Hey ya'll I need some helpful advice please. I had a problem with my last hatch it went way off. First we found the fan in the hatcher had burned out. Now I also found the plug in the back room where I moved both of my bators for company to come and bring kids for Easter. Well apparently something has chewed into the wiring in the wall and my plug only had half power... So both of my bators were running on half power for a week! Question is "are the eggs still salvageable or should I toss them and start over"?

This is killing me! I have both bators FULL of Turkey EGGS

I would go to and get a pack of just one bite rat\mouse bait so that the critters stop eating the wires.

After you get the incubators up to correct working order wait a couple of days and candle. Depending on how far along the eggs were, they may be just fine. Later in incubation they can go longer with low temps and be ok. if it has been several days, then they may hatch late.


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