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Ok, see if it's only me. Look at chickadoodles avatar straight on. Then look at it from the corner of your you are reading the post beside it. Don't those legs look like they are going in circles, until you look straight on? I had to do that a couple of times, because the first time, I thought wow, those legs do different things .. cool..but it's just magic I guess. My eyes do a lot of magic these days.
Ok, see if it's only me. Look at chickadoodles avatar straight on. Then look at it from the corner of your you are reading the post beside it. Don't those legs look like they are going in circles, until you look straight on? I had to do that a couple of times, because the first time, I thought wow, those legs do different things .. cool..but it's just magic I guess. My eyes do a lot of magic these days.
I see what you are saying, instead of looking like it is running it looks like the back leg is also doing a round house kick in the mix. It is funny.
Has ha, they must be watching us
You have no idea, I have a privacy tracker on and when Sam and Felix reply the tracker screen fills up like crazy.

I see what you are saying, instead of looking like it is running it looks like the back leg is also doing a round house kick in the mix. It is funny.
I see that too.
Ok, so I must be tired along with being sick..thought this was kind of funny..only because of the rooster and chicken sounds though...yep.

I am trying to figure out how to fix my leg and arm muscles.

I would recommend stretches. Long stretches.

You stand on a stair, or even just put your toes up on a broom handle lying on the ground, so the long muscle on the back of your leg is stretched. And stand there, not moving, for 5 minutes.

I know that sounds stupid... but a slow drawn out stretch like that works wonders.

Don't laugh, but you probably want to do it next to something that you can grab onto, so that there is less risk of falling.

Once you feel comfortable doing that, after your 5 minute stretch, if you are on a comfy stair, or put a towel over the broom handle, and holding onto something, slowly stand up on your toes, then back down.

It actually helps lots more than you would think.

Not sure about arms... except for arthritis, and that is super slow stretches on all of my fingers..... but you could do what Sylvester Stallone does..... just while sitting and watching TV, hold something in about the 2 to 5 pound range (maybe lots lighter for you starting out), and hold it, with your elbow at about a 45 degree angle. Just hold that.... remember, long slow stretches are good for old joints.
Quote: @chickadoodles

We used to do a stretch like that for Riding muscles.... It helps get blood flow to the muscles and if they are sore that flushes out the chemicals that cause soreness.

Another thing we used to do is after the strech... you have to do it using a book or couple of books width wise and do lifts to your toes and stretches down to touch your heels to the ground. Dont take many...

Yoga or pilates classes would be very beneficial especially if they know your circumstances. Pilates is awesome to help you build your core strength... You might find them at the Y too. Core muscles are the ones that you build your strength out from... from what I have read.


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