The Old Folks Home

my mom does pilates
she loves it and has done it for years... she has great bone density and core strength because of it....

she made me try it a couple of times over my life time... when I was younger I didn't like it because WOW, it proved that I was lots weaker than I wanted to admit

now that I am old, she got me to try it again, now I can't do it because the movements are too fast, and cause too much joint strain... no way....
Progress with my son and JOB...

He met the partner. Woo hoo He told Dean he was the best person he had hired in years... and he apologized for not having time to do proper training. Dean was voicing his concerns about doing a good job. The partner told him to take a break every hour if he needed... Yay.
AND Dean finally finally got ahold of the psychologist and arranged to get an appointment. Double yayy... I been gently hounding him for the past six months

He WAS talking about quitting after tonight.... Whew.. Now hes visualizing staying till the end of the semester.
now hes online with his friends... a stress reliever for him... ALL Good good
got to go before I get caught
Whew.... zip
Progress with my son and JOB...

He met the partner. Woo hoo He told Dean he was the best person he had hired in years... and he apologized for not having time to do proper training. Dean was voicing his concerns about doing a good job. The partner told him to take a break every hour if he needed... Yay.
AND Dean finally finally got ahold of the psychologist and arranged to get an appointment. Double yayy... I been gently hounding him for the past six months

He WAS talking about quitting after tonight.... Whew.. Now hes visualizing staying till the end of the semester.
now hes online with his friends... a stress reliever for him... ALL Good good
got to go before I get caught
Whew.... zip
Beer Can, how did you happen to get stabbed ,badly, in your leg?

Crap, after posting that I was hoping no one would notice that part. It's a dumb stupid thing, but took months to get my strength back in that leg and it was my good one I never blew out a knee!
Was fresh out of boot camp, back at home messing with my uncle, both of us drunk as crap. He showed me a new knife he bought, really cool. We started smacking each other around and having a little testosterone induced fight for fun nothing serious, he was still holding the knife when I came up and tapped him in the kidney with my knee, my favorite move, it scared him because he had the knife and he brought it down behind him and away from me, right where my leg ended up, sunk seven inches of cold steel into my leg.
Both of us were to drunk to drive to the ER so we called up a buddy who had to leave work to take me to the ER. We wrapped a towel tight like a tourniquet around my leg, blood from my butt down to my soaking my boots. ER guy asks what happened, I told him I fell on my hunting knife. They asked who put the tourniquet on you, I told them I did. They says I'm surprised you didn't sew it up yourself, (we actually thought about it but I figured they might do a better job) bunch of stiches in the meat and a bunch in the skin, then a cop showed up! They always get called in I was told for such stuff. He asked what happened, I told him I fell on my hunting knife, he laughed said what really happened, I told him I would rather tell my friends I got stabbed in a fight than tell them I was a idiot and fell on my own knife, he laughed again and said is that the story your sticking to, I said it isn't a story....and he left. I didn't want any drama, I was my fault. It took months before I could use my leg the same again.
That was some subconscious move, driving a knife in 7 inches. Takes a heck of a lot of force. But maybe it's easier when you do it on instinct, most people have trouble with knives because they hesitate.
yep they went the opposite direction.:weee

Ok, now I do feel old, my oldest got his license last week and can now drive without me. My entire driveway is now FULL of teenage boy's 4x4 pickups. Like 7 of them. It's like a wolf pack.  An end to an era and a new adventure begins.

I too have a 16 year old boy. :hugs

Progress with my son and JOB...

He met the partner.  Woo hoo He told Dean he was the best person he had hired in years...   and he apologized for not having time to do proper training.  Dean was voicing his concerns about doing a good job.  The partner told him to take a break every hour if he needed...  Yay.
AND Dean finally finally got ahold of the psychologist and arranged to get an appointment.    Double yayy...  I been gently hounding him for the past six months

He WAS talking about quitting after tonight....  Whew..  Now hes visualizing staying till the end of the semester.
now hes online with his friends... a stress reliever for him...  ALL Good good
got to go before I get caught
Whew.... zip


Let me weigh in on PT: I believe they are a lot like Dr. You have to find a good one. I have never used one but we had several at the nursing home I worked at and it was amazing what some of them accomplished. I kind of think of them as a personal trainer who cheers you back to being strong while they torture you with stretches and exercise.:D
Can you get a referral to physical therapy? Even going once can help--They should give you exercises and stretches to do at home.
Call your Doctor for home heath to get one of the PT's to come out to your house. Invaluable.
Speaking of age, I'm 68 and an oldie on here but at the rehab I was a spring chicken. Even on the knee replacement floor, most were 70-80's.

Edited for content: Nevermind, I read your answer. My daughter the RN said to go to Google and search for exercises for post op knee replacement. Check whatever part of you that you want to strengthen.
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I've been laid up a few times. Knee cap on the side of my leg more than once, went once to physical therapy, my opinion they just want your money, if you have good insurance sure go for it. Everytime I've been down I just did what I had to do and eventually your back on top. It is amazing how much strength you lose, muscles turn to jelly. I was young then though, and very physically fit. Early 20s I was stabbed bad in the leg, that took a long time. 25yrs I thought I was invincible, hard manual labor in a bluestone quarry, everyone said be careful of your back, ha ha! I thought people with back problems were wimps, I pulled muscles before. Then I sneezed one morning, right down to my knees. Stabbing pain like chunks of sharp metal in my hip socket, shooting down the backs of the legs. Never took anything for it, figured I'd be ok eventually. Months many people told me to go to a chiropractor, No Way! I watched Jacobs Ladder! I finally did the day I almost couldn't stand. The day after I couldn't. I crawled around on my hands and knees for weeks laid in bed most of the time. It was so bad I didn't drink beer the whole time cause I didn't want to get up and go to the bathroom. Buddy of mine stopped and gave me a pair of crutches, told me I had to get up or I'd get rigor mortis. That's how I went back to the quarry, crutches and on my knees. The strength came back eventually and I haven't had any problems since. You'll get your strength back, just keep going one day at a time and eventually it will just be a memory.
Jeez, Beer can, that's sad. Do you have a phobia against Doctors?

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