The Old Folks Home

No that chicken was one of my January hatches that finally got released into the coop tonight. She was TERRIFIED of the toms. I think I'm going to have to cull the toms. They are downright jerks this time of year and I won't have it.
I understand that completely! I am going to have to grow out some sweetgrass so I can replace my tom that jumped on me a couple weeks ago. I also have another one in time out cuz he hurt my favorite hen!
I don't care that much about how old I am.... but about how old they are.

Well I guess I should have frazed that differently she is not old enough to be having one YET!
LOL.... funny thing was I was in love with his dancing and motorcycle.... the rest of him... myeah.... I was working as a draftsman good pay... He was a bread baker for a grocery store chain... he regularly flipped hundred pounds of flour into a mixer. Baking hundreds of loaves of bread at a time. He worked from 1 am to 2 pm. I got home from work at 5:30... by then the house was spotless... His navy training...

This was a guy that would have been best served by staying in the navy. instead he wrapped his previous motorcycle around a telephone pole and crushed his right foot. The Navy patched him up he even had cadaver bones to replace the ones that were too mangled. then they discharged him for medical... with a small pension.

When He asked me to go in with him to buy a Truck... he wanted a truck soo bad. That was when I said... "Are you asking me to marry you?" OH boy you should have seen the stuttering and backing up... 'Um No..." "Because thats the only way I will chip in for a pickup truck...."

Sometimes just sometimes I do something or say something that is very "Right" at the moment...

Crap, after posting that I was hoping no one would notice that part. It's a dumb stupid thing, but took months to get my strength back in that leg and it was my good one I never blew out a knee!
Was fresh out of boot camp, back at home messing with my uncle, both of us drunk as crap. He showed me a new knife he bought, really cool. We started smacking each other around and having a little testosterone induced fight for fun nothing serious, he was still holding the knife when I came up and tapped him in the kidney with my knee, my favorite move, it scared him because he had the knife and he brought it down behind him and away from me, right where my leg ended up, sunk seven inches of cold steel into my leg.
Both of us were to drunk to drive to the ER so we called up a buddy who had to leave work to take me to the ER. We wrapped a towel tight like a tourniquet around my leg, blood from my butt down to my soaking my boots. ER guy asks what happened, I told him I fell on my hunting knife. They asked who put the tourniquet on you, I told them I did. They says I'm surprised you didn't sew it up yourself, (we actually thought about it but I figured they might do a better job) bunch of stiches in the meat and a bunch in the skin, then a cop showed up! They always get called in I was told for such stuff. He asked what happened, I told him I fell on my hunting knife, he laughed said what really happened, I told him I would rather tell my friends I got stabbed in a fight than tell them I was a idiot and fell on my own knife, he laughed again and said is that the story your sticking to, I said it isn't a story....and he left. I didn't want any drama, I was my fault. It took months before I could use my leg the same again.
Wow, I wanted to know but I didn't want to ask.
Geez, Beer.

I too have a 16 year old boy.


Let me weigh in on PT: I believe they are a lot like Dr. You have to find a good one. I have never used one but we had several at the nursing home I worked at and it was amazing what some of them accomplished. I kind of think of them as a personal trainer who cheers you back to being strong while they torture you with stretches and exercise.
We can compare notes with our boys then.

Diva, reminds me of a couple of funny one's... When you're a kid, every relative comes up and says "My how you've grown!". "So have you" makes it stop pretty quickly. And when you're slightly older, they come up and say "You're next" at weddings. Just do the same to them at funerals.

Can't blame you, Diva. So, how are things? Find any nice new ice cream flavors? I tried some new chocolate ice cream today, there's an ice cream brand that was started a few years back that makes artisinal ice creams, it was pretty tasty. Had it with some grilled pineapple.
Oh that sounds good.

I had to skip a few pages so I could post pictures as promised.

So precious.
Perchie, some day we should collaborate on a book - I am sure the guys I was in love with, were so much worse than yours - but, you would understand how stupid, blind, deaf and dumb I was. Still am but, guys aren't attracted anymore - thank goodness. I'd still be doing the same ' sheet' as before.
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Perchie, some day we should collaborate on a book - I am sure the guys I was in love with, were so much worse than yours - but, you would understand how stupid, blind, deaf and dumb I was. Still am but, guys aren't attracted anymore - thank goodness. I'd still be doing the same ' sheet' as before.

I have only been in love twice... my first boyfriend ended it when i was 21... and one about twenty eight years ago... He was my soul mate..... hes probably dead by now....I am done with it all.

I am 59 soon to be 60...

Horrific end to a horrific week. At least I hope it's an end. Last Saturday there was a fox out. Our duck pair free ranges. I ran out and closed them up and my general rule is I lock them up a week to make the fox "move on" and then let them out. This morning I thought about keeping them in, but figured I was going to be home and it had been a week and they bolted as soon as they saw the open gate. I went into the bathroom a few minutes ago. The bathroom has a great double window overlooking the chicken coop. The chickens and turkeys were all freaked out and staring at a fox eating something. Turned out it was boy duck that the fox had just gotten.


My panic ended up waking BF up. BF sleeps in the emperors clothes and thought nothing of grabbing the rifle (I had the Walther hand gun) and sneaking out of the house, around the side and trying to get the fox that got the duck (he's a good boy). On the other side of the chicken pen was another red fox, trying to get girl duck. I could have gotten it but it would have scared the other fox that BF went after. I was ready to shoot if it came after girl duck, but wasn't going to risk it otherwise.

Both foxes got away.

Girl duck is miserable. I've posted her on the Maine thread hoping someone wants a really well behaved and good laying duck.
Quote: Well I guess I should have frazed that differently she is not old enough to be having one YET!

Are you "fixing to be a great-grandma" because you will be caring for the baby?
No thank goodness. My grand-daughter that is still in high school and living with her parents is going to be a mother at 18. I just don't think she is ready to be a mom she still throws temper tantrums when she does not get her own way like a 3 year old.

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