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I've been borrowing a DeWalt circular saw with it's own stand for 3 years now (I wonder when the owner wants it back, every time I ask he says he doesn't need it right now), the stand has these lockable limbs that make cutting to the same length a breeze. I love that thing. I usually decide on height looking at the spot I'm building in, making it as tall as possible without overpowering the spot completely. Lumber usually comes as long stuff here, so you have something in the 15-18 foot range to work with.

Ron, we kept pushing it forward too, should have gotten rid of the boys a couple of weeks ago already. It's best to just get it over with.

Peep, haven't decided yet, they'll all go in the freezer though. We had horse today, tomorrow we're eating at my parent's, and for Saturday we bought ribs.
That is great Linda.  My friend in Georgia had hip replacement surgery  on Monday.  No word from her yet.   But she had lost a lot of weight before hand. OH these people with self control - make me look bad
Maybe we should have the "68" club of course we will be hitting that number in different month

Funny thing about that. The anxiety level was so high that I ate every thing in sight. Gained two pounds. :/:gig.
Vehve --
I'm having the challenge of transporting all building materials in a Hyundai. I cannot fathom how I'd get a 18-foot piece of lumber home. With the seats down I can manage 8 feet, 10 feet if it's a drip edge and I can slide it onto the dash.

Height and shape of run (and coop) was greatly influenced by the apricot tree...wanted to incorporate it for shade, but didn't want to compromise its growth or habitat.

Filly mignon?

(sorry deb...I couldn't resist)
I built a 24x28 garage transporting all the materials with a subaru wagon and a '93 caravan Lol! The long 2x6s I stacked between the front seats of the caravan from the dash hanging out the back. Took many trips but I built it slowly anyway, didn't have much time.

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