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I used to grill bison steaks and I couldn't get the family to eat it. Then I grilled a bison tenderloin and told them it was beef. They loved it.
CC I loved all of the maps.

I too wonder at the people that choose to live in flood plains.

But stuff like that has always bothered me... A "safe" place for a house. So, I specifically picked a place that had ZERO tsunami risk, very low slide down the mountain risk, no flooding risk (I even had the dirt around the house sculpted better so all water flows around the house), BUT I am in a high earthquake area... We often get 4. Earthquakes, and ones 6. And higher happen too.

AND I can see a volcano from my house. :rolleyes: I am too far away for the lava to get me, byt the ash can get me... And yes, it has.

If I were to hit the "world is exactly what I want it to be" button, I would probably live in the Texas Hill Country.. I love the climate there... But there are WAY too many people there now. :sick

I can't relate to kids not eating meat... Any meat..... Broccoli or Brussel sprouts.. Yeah, we have had issues.... But my kids like all meat.

My kids love eating duck, and have eaten Lynx, moose, bear, turkey, quail, goose, octopus, squid, clams, oysters... And lots of other stuff too.
They all eat bison now.
Whenever we traveled, I told them that people eat different things in different parts of the world. I was able to get them to eat alligator, rattlesnake, squid, clams, oysters, et. al..
AND I can see a volcano from my house.

But can you see Russia?

I've not had a pleasant evening. My phoenix, Runty, was killed today and dragged partially through the fence. She was blind in one eye. We never saw anything. Then I discovered that someone stole my rouge vif d'etampes pumpkin that I had grown from a seed right off my rock wall near the house. I live in the middle of nowhere. WHO STEALS A PUMPKIN???

Is it crazy to want to drive around the area really slow looking to see if I can locate it? BF seems to think it was FedEx and not the neighbor kids. I'm voting for the nasty kids. A few years ago I called the cops on them because they were shooting my chickens with bb guns while I was at work (and they were supposed to be in school). I have put up signs stating my property is private, etc, but I do catch them on my property from time to time, still.

Wisher, will the police take a report of a stolen pumpkin??
But can you see Russia?

I've not had a pleasant evening. My phoenix, Runty, was killed today and dragged partially through the fence. She was blind in one eye. We never saw anything. Then I discovered that someone stole my rouge vif d'etampes pumpkin that I had grown from a seed right off my rock wall near the house. I live in the middle of nowhere. WHO STEALS A PUMPKIN???

Is it crazy to want to drive around the area really slow looking to see if I can locate it? BF seems to think it was FedEx and not the neighbor kids. I'm voting for the nasty kids. A few years ago I called the cops on them because they were shooting my chickens with bb guns while I was at work (and they were supposed to be in school). I have put up signs stating my property is private, etc, but I do catch them on my property from time to time, still.

Wisher, will the police take a report of a stolen pumpkin??

Growing up in the country, we saw this all the time!

Once a car pulled up and a family got out and started picking away--We had to run them off of the orchard!

We lived at the end of a dead end road too.

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