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I am the last one to wanna sound sappy.... but The old folks and Dixichicks are my go to place to lift my spirits....

I love you guys

Ron, my son is in Gulfport, Ms. he has been getting pounded all day. We are expecting it here in a couple hours they said. I am praying for everyone's safety!

Deb how wonderful that you got some lovely blessings today. You deserve them and more!

Everyone in the storm zone stay safe!
Ron, my son is in Gulfport, Ms. he has been getting pounded all day. We are expecting it here in a couple hours they said. I am praying for everyone's safety!

Deb how wonderful that you got some lovely blessings today. You deserve them and more!

Everyone in the storm zone stay safe!
It sounds like a nasty storm!
I am the last one to wanna sound sappy.... but The old folks and Dixichicks are my go to place to lift my spirits....

I love you guys

You too deb. It's going to be an interesting year. I just got back from my Dr appt. Yea!!! Getting me off Prozac and Klonopin. Just a mild sleep med and something mild for anxiety. So much relief. I knew it was the wrong med but who listens to the patient.

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