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Are you aware I moved to Vancouver in Sept? Hope to get some insight of this wonderful area. Chickens, nubians, ducks.
Supposed to be most severe here between 9pm to 2am

I just checked the radar loops - looks like lots of people need to tie themselves to the mast!

I hope everyone down that way makes out OK. The loops showed a good part of Oklahoma, Louisiana, half of Tennessee and Alabama and all of Missouri and Mississippi are getting whacked with this one.
That system is expected to come see us tomorrow afternoon; tonight, we have a warm front "juicing" the atmosphere with warm, moist air in advance of it. Just what we need, right? The situation has made enough people nervous enough that the local school system is giving the students an early dismissal (probably not liking the idea of having school buses trying to drive such busy roads in 50mph+ wind gusts, even without the risk of severe thunderstorms).

Prayin' that y'all stay safe tonight.
I once gave a "Mad Scientist" party for my son. Only four showed up... sigh. But fun was had by all. we used baking powder and vinegar for all sorts of science experiments.... The kids came home with real deal labcoats safety glasses and rubber gloves... and a gift pack of toys.

I worked at a place where The lab coats were disposable and safety glasses and gloves were easy to come by.

That sounds like sooooo much fun. Might try something like that next year when he, and his friends are a little older, but still young enough to be awed by experiments.

Glad you got some love today.

Stay safe, for all of you in the storm areas.
best experiment of all soap bubble floating on air Ten gallon aquarium squeeky clean... baking soda and vinegar set in a paper cup in the bottom..... Wait for it to fill about half way and blow a soap bubble.... It will ride on the carbon dioxie till it dries out.

CO2 Is heavier than air so you only need an air tight container for the bottom

some people preserve food this way.... five gallon bucket filled with grain drop in an oxygen excluder paket and a couple of chunks of Dry ice The dry ice will disappear but the Carbon Dioxide will have sunk and pooled in the bucket.... Then cap it off. There is real science to the practice like how much of which for what kind of grain to use.... but essentially the mechanics are the same/


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