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As land owners, they could contact the other residents and fight to get the PUD restrictions changed. In fact, they could outright get the restrictions removed completely. I do feel sorry for them that they got shnockered. Terribly wrong that any and all aspects of a real property contract or agreement must be in writing. I think I'd be putting it back on the market were it me. Lots cheaper than trying to battle it out in court.
A couple weeks back I finally caught the egg eater from my New Hampshire group. Have not lost a single egg from that group since, and they are all laying basically daily. They have chosen one corner and lay on the floor in the litter as they don't like the sloped floors I made in the nest boxes to create roll outs.
Today, I was out filling waterers and feeding and caught the egg eater from my White Wyandotte group
! I had seen her in a nest box when I first got out there and got started so checked the box immediately and there was no egg. About 15 minutes later I heard pecking in the box and since I was in that coop at the time, I entered the enclosure and pulled her out of the box and sure enough, she had just laid an egg and had 1/2 consumed it. I waited a while after removing her and no others entered the box to partake, so I'm 99% positive she's the one. She is now in quarantine to confirm that she is the one and if so, within a week, she'll be historical I also removed the partially eaten egg from the nest box.

I have one more group, the BO's who occasionally eat eggs, but it's infrequent and may be because the egg being eaten was damaged... But I'll be keeping a better eye on them in upcoming weeks as well to see if I can catch that little deviant.
getaclue I thought it was law that the HOA rules be provided to the buyer at close? Maybe each state is different but I know when we bought property in Florida and in Utah both houses were in communities with HOA's. Both times we were provided with the rules before the close. Our HOA at our current house is fairly lax (in fact our neighbors still haven't landscaped their front yard and you are supposed to do that within the first year, we have lived there six years so far) mainly ones to keep property values up. You might want to have your friend check into state laws about when the rules are supposed to be provided to the buyer.
getaclue---as I have horses, I would never have bought property that didn't allow for loafing sheds for the horses....just saying that is my preference. We are allowed to build huge sheds here......

In past places I have boarded, the grassed paddocks stay beautifully green and need mowing because........ the horses are not allowed to use the paddock!!
Honestly, horses kept only in a barn, in a stall, have health problems, and are more likely to colic..... WIth all that acreage, boy I would be planting trees!!! Fruit trees, nut trees, shade trees....... not knowing FL maybe these are not an option.

Hope you find your piece of heaven too!!
@getaclue guy up the road from us couldn't get his pond to fill and there is ponds all over here, he put a liner in it and it's been full for 20yrs now. Sounds like your friends would be better of getting out of that place though.
Last time we went to Orlando we got off the beaten path, see a little bit of Florida besides the highway, gps is awesome, doesn't matter where you wander to it'll get you steered back the right direction, and utilize the back roads to get you there. What surprised me was how barren and desert like the area was. I pictured it more tropical. Lot more open land than I would have figured. Drove through miles of I swarm of bugs at one point, it was unreal thick, had to slow right down. Hit the next gas station to wash the windshield couldn't see out it, was disgusting. Guy called them love bugs, hmm, they were attached Lol. Even after driving through the Carolina's and Virginia's in a rain storm the next day I had to scrub the front end it was black with bug guts...
Oh, yeah, the love bugs in Florida are legendary (but like most plagues, only periodic, not chronic).

Mentioning nuisance forces of nature, we are well into my least-favorite time of year, POLLEN SEASON. Nice time to stay indoors, which is otherwise a shame, since the weather has been so lovely otherwise.

And while I'm staying indoors, I wound up rewatching a movie yesterday, "Mrs. Brown." What can I say? Billy Connolly in a kilt . . . .

and a young Gerard Butler . . . .

and yes, that's one of my favorite actresses, Judi Dench, as Queen Victoria. Lots of other familiar faces from BBC programmes, as well.
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