The Old Folks Home

Everyone having a great time I can tell supercg crud I was on the only flight that ever overshot the runway into Juneau knew 30 minutes before he did he was going to do it ...
at least always got out bags coming home..
Morning all how about driving school wintertime Bruce can she at least pay her own bills ?
She's gonna be paying out quite a bit this time too. I looked at the car, damage is on the front driver's side. Though she was apparently doing only 15 MPH coming off the bridge and turning right she couldn't hold her lane and hit the rear of a car coming the other direction. Too fast for conditions, 3 points on her license. If it got the inverter the car is toast, those things are expensive. She wasn't in a snow bank but parked at the edge of the road when DW got there. Driver's door didn't open because the front fender was munched (really munched). I guess she calmed down enough to climb over to the passenger side door.

Also, apparently the police called the towing company, AAA had a cancelled call. They will reimburse us the $125 it cost to tow it to the towing company's location after I mail in the request. The car will be towed to an auto body shop so they can look to see what it will cost to repair. It is 19 miles back the way they came, 3 miles from where she wrecked and where it would have been towed IF the tow guy had bothered to ask where they wanted the car taken :mad:

Her eyes are fine, gets checked every 2 years, was just in a few months ago. I think she just doesn't get the whole MUST SLOW DOWN on bad roads thing. You would think after the prior 4 incidents she would have a clue. Especially the 2 close calls not even a week ago. I drove to where the car is, 4 miles from home. There wasn't a clear patch of road anywhere and it is state highway, not some back road. Most of it is 50, I think I went over 30 a few times. Saw a few places where someone had clearly hit the snowbank, don't know if they were able to self rescue. And a pickup off the left side of the road right rear wheel in the air. Don't know if he lost it and did a 180° coming south down the hill or lost it going north and crossed over the road. Maybe someone in front of him had trouble, he had to swerve to miss them and ended up crashed.

She was going more slowly than usual given where she wrecked at about the time she should have been at work. Lots of "if onlys".
  • If only she had been going slower around that corner, let's face it 15 MPH is cornering speed on a clear road. Anytime I'm with her when she is driving I tell her to slow down BEFORE the corner, she goes into them at 25 MPH, have to work to hold yourself upright. Not comfortable.
  • If only she had left a fair bit earlier. Was she hurrying some because she was late or just thinking 15 MPH was cornering speed? In any case she surely thought 15 was reasonable at the time.
  • If only the lady whose car she hit had been passing that spot 5 seconds earlier.
But none of that matters. Turns out we don't have collision on the car, I thought we had that but not comprehensive given the age of the car. But it is the other way around.

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