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Here is my first attempt at Flow Icing Cookies. They looked better before my grandbaby kept trying to grab them, but I don't think I did too bad. It's something that requires practice, but I have a lot of willing victims, er, taste testers, that will eat my mistakes, until I get my technique perfected.
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Those look great!
My neighbor gave me tickets for the State Fair. I have 8 days worth, so far. I will be helping with the dog shows, but will have plenty of free time to enjoy the rest of the fair too. Benefits of having a neighbor that's a genuine dog trainer.

My family seems to like my cookies too. They've eaten half of them already. I've got go shopping at Amazon today, so I can make a few more batches. I already compiled a list.
Some freezing rain last night and not much melting happening today:
Barn back ice 2-6-2019 10-29-10 AM.JPG Bird feeder ice 2-6-2019 10-27-11 AM.JPG
Filbert bud ice 2-6-2019 10-25-29 AM.JPG Grill ice 2-6-2019 10-24-35 AM.JPG
Square Filbert closeup ice 2 2-6-2019 10-24-48 AM.JPG Pine tree ice 2-6-2019 10-27-00 AM.JPG
Clue, having no idea how those cookie are made or the work involved with all that frosting, they look like store bought to me! Nicely done! I am now officially diabetic by the numbers so much as I'd like to try one, I'll save you the postage costs to send here. :D I also have to comment on the keyboard issues... Damn... like brain surgery! Who knew? :idunno I find the cheapest wireless one and buy it. If it breaks (when) Repeat previous. Lit keys? unlit keys?, fancy sounds? feel? When I slam the key and the symbol appears on the screen, I'm happy. I don't type in the dark, and I'm not a keyboardist... I hunt and peck with 2-4 fingers. When they stop appearing, time for a new KB.

VA doc appt didn't go well. They called me several days in advance and asked me to change the appt time from 2pm to 12 noon. I said OK, despite the fact that it really messes with my animal chores and timing of everything (2 hour drive). Got there before 10am to leave plenty of time for the labs to get done before seeing the doc, to find they DIDN'T change the appt time :rant:he Top that with: My doc had just returned from India that day so was on admin for the day to get paperwork caught up. So had to see a new doc who knows nothing about me or history. Anyway, he was nice and seemed to really care, want to help me.

Been in a lot of pain recently (a lot!) and I guess there's a blood test that shows "pain cells" called PSR or RSP or some such. The avg person reads below a 7. I came in at 235. :hit This has been getting worse and spreading for over a year & I finally came right out and stated that this is NOT gout or arthritis. (Uric acid count was ~4, well below the 6 that starts crystals) I need them to do what needs to be done to figure this crap out! There is something wrong and it's muscular/tendon related, not joint ligament. I KNOW what gout feels like and how it presents... I've had it now for 15 years + I told him I want to know if maybe MS or MD or even ALS, or something else. This is getting ridiculous. Anyway, he put in for various consults... :idunno He said it's most likely an autoimmune issue and I may have to use a biologic like Humira... I said let's not jump there before we know what we're dealing with... biologics worry me.

So, Diabetes... the magical cut # is 6.9 and that's exactly what I registered, so no longer "pre diabetic" I'm now official. Doc said it's not like a major deal at this point as I'm right on the boundary, so no insulin or anything, just have to really get serious about cutting back on sugar and sweets, lose weight, try and get more exercise. (Yeah... exercise when it's almost impossible to even walk due to ankle/feet pain! and hands and wrists that don't work... :th )

Got a couple big bags of dog food and a 50# bag of goat pellets on the way home from the VA (hurt!). Then Tuesday went and got the 12 bags of pellets, 25# of mineral, and a 3'x3'x8' (800#) bale of hay. By the time everything was unloaded/put away, I was wiped. Didn't finish breaking down and moving/stacking that hay inside till well after dark. The final bit was pure torture. Could barely walk last night. Extreme pain. Have spent most of today in bed dosing on NSAIDs to moderate the pain. Am able to get around and function, but at a cost... It hurts. Am forcing myself to move to do animal chores but little else. Have so far NOT taken anymore oxycodone (morphine based). Have also avoided starting another 5 day pack of steroids. It's tough.

OK, wasn't (aren't) crying for sympathy... just letting y'all know what's going on here. Hope everyone is enjoying a better hump day than I. 76° and very humid, had to turn the AC on this morning to get the temp down in here and eliminate some of the moisture. OK, time for me to go back to horizontal.
NAF - ick. My driveway is back to a registered national disaster area, and I suspect yours is, too.

LS - Glad they at least fixed the appointment fubar for you. Hope you got one of those surveys afterwards about how they did and you can report the issues. No excuse for the doc to be on admin with appts scheduled. That's easy to check and someone dropped the ball. Be sure to also ask for an appointment with a registered dietician because diabetes is more than cutting out sweets.

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