The Old Folks Home

Hello Folks! Hope everyone is feeling much better. I know I am. DD came down and visited for a few days but went home yesterday. She has to go back to basic training on Friday. I got a chance to get out and hike today. Found a few "Easter Eggs" in the forest. The weather has been rainy but today it cleared a bit and it hasn't been too cold. Hope everyone has a great New Years eve. I know I will be in bed tonight early so I can get my "first day" hike in tomorrow.
Hello old folks, I got my base cut, built and stained for the wash stand! So Thursday I will pick up the glass I ordered to sit my fish tank on. Going to look great to see fish swimming again.
I got a big tank I want to set up at home. its been waiting twelve years...

Going to have to re fit it for filtration and aeration ... Buy gravel and stuff...
It never had a lid I used a piece of plexiglass... I need to replace that because I am certian it went walk about.


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