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Still here stopped took a shower, nice and hot. Went to pickup the mail then to the hardware store here in town road here in town are clear surprised they even did our rode.. We are on private road have not had it done in the past :confused: Yes thought avatar was more appropriate sometime you act like other times you step in it :lau
No other houses on the road? My Mom has paid for a private person to plow the road to her house. It is a private road with neighbors
If I missed a “Like” on your post please forgive. My thumbs are too big to hit the button just right!

it looks pretty good to me. I’ve been able to roll with the changes.

And I think my broody is broken! She laid an egg in her cage. I let them all out, most of the day, and she didn’t return to the nest! And tonight they are all on the roost.

So she is laying. My Australorp is molting and acting crazy; I figure she isn’t laying. I’m getting very few eggs. (One today, one yesterday, zero the day before.). Four hens total. Do you think the other two might have been sent away from the nest too much by Broody Buffy? They only like one nest, big surprise.

Or could they be stressed by having her caged up in the run? Or is it just winter fluctuation, with one molting? Anyone have ideas? Thanks!
Nope, all the same as before, must be you :gig

Heard today that there is a big security hole in Windows 10. Doesn't affect me, I'm on a Mac. Hope they fix it fast for the Microsoft users.
The patch was released on Tuesday. Macs can get malware and spy ware. There are also vulnerabilities in the OS

Practice safe computing!
Or could they be stressed by having her caged up in the run? Or is it just winter fluctuation, with one molting? Anyone have ideas? Thanks!
I'd go with winter as the reason. I've never noticed my hens caring about one of the flock being in the buster. In fact I've never noticed them behaving any differently when one disappears permanently. I had a BA that did her first adult moult at this time of year back in 2013. STUPID time of year up in this climate! But she didn't really seem to suffer from it even though she was half naked.
The patch was released on Tuesday. Macs can get malware and spy ware. There are also vulnerabilities in the OS

Practice safe computing!
I didn't say my computer couldn't get hit, just that *I* don't have to worry about the Windows 10 security issue :D I suspect there are a whole lot more Win 10 users here than Mac OS users.
I'd go with winter as the reason. I've never noticed my hens caring about one of the flock being in the buster. In fact I've never noticed them behaving any differently when one disappears permanently. I had a BA that did her first adult moult at this time of year back in 2013. STUPID time of year up in this climate! But she didn't really seem to suffer from it even though she was half naked.

I didn't say my computer couldn't get hit, just that *I* don't have to worry about the Windows 10 security issue :D I suspect there are a whole lot more Win 10 users here than Mac OS users.
It has been a lot of years, but there used to be Microsoft word viruses that would attack both mac and PC.

Those were bad times for IT folks!
Most virus protection sux, IMHO. I had a Trojan get through Norton once on my desktop, thanks to a microsoft update. Norton worked on it for 4 hours one night and couldn't get it partitioned. I finally had to turn it over to a computer geek who finally wound up having to rebuild it from the ground up. He said he had never seen such a bad Trojan. It was in every system.

Thank you Microsoft. He told me that an early update had been contaminated with the virus and I wasn't alone. I asked him what they did about it and he admitted nothing. They just quietly pulled the update and replaced it with an uncontaminated one.
I also spend time and money on my animals and it makes it hard to vacation. I do have a couple of people who will come out and feed everyone, though, but it is such an imposition. I only have a few chickens (5 right now, but I live in town and can't have many and spring is coming), 3 dogs, 1 button quail and 2 aquariums (20 gallon and 65 gallon). Between the chickens, quail, dogs and fish, it is a burden that I wouldn't wish on my friends, having to learn all the different feedings. I used to think it was a waste of money and felt guilty when I started with the chickens and quail, but needed them as stress relief for my job. And I dearly love my chickens and quail) I had two dogs then, but since have added one. They are family. The aquariums were an accident- I had an aquarium that I was using to house a couple of button quail, but they eventually died, so there it was staring at me, so I got fish. A friend said here mother was getting too old to manage her big tank, so she gave it to me ( the mother is 4 years older than me, so hmmm) I just couldn't say no.
So here I am with a menagerie and trying to be guilt free. They do keep me busy, though.

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