The Old Folks Home

Cap, those are adorable!

I'm getting two 3-week-olds tomorrow, a Barred Rock and a Speckled Sussex. Our two remaining are Blackbird (Black Australorp, queen of the pecking order) and Buffy (Orpington). I like them to be different so I can tell them apart, and we are not eager to get one who might try to unseat Blackbird. However, what will be, will be.

Thanks for the condolences and hellos! I am so busy in the garden, and spending more time on learning about permaculture. Today I dropped in to say hello to all of you, and to figure out about feeding these chickens in a way that everybody gets the right amount of protein and calcium, once I integrate them.

I'm going to try to stop by more often! Who knew retirement was so busy!
hey bought myself some jolly rancher pops these are frozen treats and have nifty sticks with
what do pigs and ink have in common? they both go in a pen
What did on hat say to the other hat? Stay here, I'll go on ahead
How does thread get to school? The spool bus
How did the broom find a girlfriend? He swept her off her feet
Cap, those are adorable!

I'm getting two 3-week-olds tomorrow, a Barred Rock and a Speckled Sussex. Our two remaining are Blackbird (Black Australorp, queen of the pecking order) and Buffy (Orpington). I like them to be different so I can tell them apart, and we are not eager to get one who might try to unseat Blackbird. However, what will be, will be.

Thanks for the condolences and hellos! I am so busy in the garden, and spending more time on learning about permaculture. Today I dropped in to say hello to all of you, and to figure out about feeding these chickens in a way that everybody gets the right amount of protein and calcium, once I integrate them.

I'm going to try to stop by more often! Who knew retirement was so busy!
Nice to see you here!
Lucky you! I cannot get fiber to the house here in Woodland
The only choices we have are satellite and DSL (MAX 15mbps on a good day and if it is actually working at the time)

Today I dropped in to say hello to all of you, and to figure out about feeding these chickens in a way that everybody gets the right amount of protein and calcium, once I integrate them.
Hi TA. I've always fed Poulin (VT family owned currently in the 3rd gen). They don't have an All Flock. Only the original 12 in 2012 grew up on Starter followed by Grower then Layer. All subsequent chicks were on Starter until they could get out of the brooder area into the coop where the Layer was in the hanging feeder. Every one of them transitioned over to Layer before I ran out of Starter. I've seen no problems.
Hi @trumpeting_angel. I keep a container of medicated chick crumbles out along with my regular feed in order to cover the young birds. I also as they age switch them over to game bird finisher which is high in protein and can be eaten by the adult birds also. To cover the lack of calcium, oyster shell on the side.

I had the funnies thing happen yesterday, well to me it was funny anyway.

I had done a load of laundry and when I went to empty out the washing machine I saw something in the bottom of the tub and did a double take.

There was a baby 7 lined Skink lizard in the washing machine. Little guy was about an inch and a half long. It was quite deceased and looked like one of those little rubber lizards that the kids love, That was't the funny thing. I picked the poor little thing up and suddenly the reaction switched from AHHHHHH, Poor little guy, to Now how the heck did a lizard get in the washing machine? The lid was down!

DH speculates that it had taken up refuge in our clothes basket and got dumped in with the clothes but the dirty clothes basket is in the bedroom.

Ok, now if that happened, how did the baby lizard get in the bedroom? It's not unusual for us to find adults that have found their way in with a door left open but the bedroom isn't near the doors and the washing machine is in the utility room with the cattle dogs. Maybe it sought shelter from the little heathen dogs and got in the machine some how but with the lid closed?

It is, as they say, A Puzzlement.:idunno
Hi @trumpeting_angel. I keep a container of medicated chick crumbles out along with my regular feed in order to cover the young birds. I also as they age switch them over to game bird finisher which is high in protein and can be eaten by the adult birds also. To cover the lack of calcium, oyster shell on the side.

I had the funnies thing happen yesterday, well to me it was funny anyway.

I had done a load of laundry and when I went to empty out the washing machine I saw something in the bottom of the tub and did a double take.

There was a baby 7 lined Skink lizard in the washing machine. Little guy was about an inch and a half long. It was quite deceased and looked like one of those little rubber lizards that the kids love, That was't the funny thing. I picked the poor little thing up and suddenly the reaction switched from AHHHHHH, Poor little guy, to Now how the heck did a lizard get in the washing machine? The lid was down!

DH speculates that it had taken up refuge in our clothes basket and got dumped in with the clothes but the dirty clothes basket is in the bedroom.

Ok, now if that happened, how did the baby lizard get in the bedroom? It's not unusual for us to find adults that have found their way in with a door left open but the bedroom isn't near the doors and the washing machine is in the utility room with the cattle dogs. Maybe it sought shelter from the little heathen dogs and got in the machine some how but with the lid closed?

It is, as they say, A Puzzlement.:idunno
I found one of those inside part of the playhouse when I took the part off. I tried to pick it up to show DH, but it threw its tail at me!

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