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I was reminded why I don't let my birds free range anymore. Was filling up their 15gal waterer with a hose (leaving for five days), and said heck with it let them out.
While swapping tires around on vehicles down by the house in the driveway(taking off the studded tires) I laid down in chicken poop....
And then almost dark heard them making some commotion figured it probably wasn't the fox, prob they were just getting on the roost and bickering at each other.
About dark went up to close the door on coop, no chickens! Crap maybe it was the fox! where are my chickens!? Running around quick don't see them anywhere! Not in the trees no where!
The dirty sons a #*!**! were roosting in my garage, on the work bench, on the tool bench poop everywhere!!! :mad::he
I had a thought this morning.. And it didn't even hurt! I've come up with a new design for a bachelor pad and run combined using 4 cattle panels covered in chicken wire, with deer netting over top of the run and a tarp over the roosting area.. I work out a lot of ideas on a game I play..
Here's the cattle panel frame..
Colorado inmate is 1st human case of bird flu in US
The man was in direct contact with infected poultry on a farm.
I only read the beginning, actually prob nothing to worry about if you read the whole article lol. Guess ABC news just wanted clicks, headline grabber.
Goes on to say;
"Repeat testing of the man for influenza was negative.
"We aren’t certain if this individual was truly infected or not and we might actually never know with certainty," Herlihy said. "We don't know if this person was infected, meaning the virus was present and replicating in his body, or if some level of surface contamination of this person's nose may have occurred. You can virus present in your nose, it can be detected on a test, but it doesn't mean it's necessarily causing infection."
The CDC also noted it possible for the detection of bird flu to be the result of surface contamination.
Health officials insisted there is little risk to the general public and there is no evidence the virus spreads from person to person."

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