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Well, I had to move Mara and her batch from the big round pen to the new turnout pen. Starshine wanted in that nest! And Bonnie was definitely being snoopy.. so I moved it. Now Mara can finish her job in peace. I spotted a chick out from under her and thought, Man did that chick dry out fast,, but it's darker. Um.. This is #1 as far as I can tell.. #2 is the one I spotted earlier.
#1 Definitely a Bonnie the BO chick
#2 Looks more like a Snowy chick.
Can I come and have you cook for me for awhile? I might do better on your diet. Have a month to go before the yearly colonoscopy and the Crohn's cramps,diarrhea, 90° weather, lawn mowing and weed eating are not mixing well with a limited diet. I think about you every day.
Are you sure you wouldn't get tried of a steady diet of things that fly and things that swim?

I ask DH what he would like to have for dinner and he says, what are you going to have? My reply, dead bird or dead fish, same as yesterday, same as tomorrow, same as this time next year.

The good thing is now I have a steady flow of greens from the garden. Sautéed or in a salad, spinach, bib lettuce salads. My only complaint is yesterday I wanted a taco salad so bad I was drooling. Got the ground turkey cooked, added taco seasoning, wait a minute, no, don't tell that a pepper seed I see? NO there's another and another. :rant

Set that serving of ground turkey aside for the dogs dinner, sautéed more, got out a different container of taco seasoning...same thing. Sighed, whimpered and made a chef's salad for myself instead.

Good seeing you back on the forum, lovesfarms.

Hi Guys. Bad week here. Two of the ACDs got into it. Rocki the female wound up with a wound on her side that got infected. Two days of hot packs with Epsom Salt water, antibiotics and basically sitting at her side keeping the wound draining. She's doing much better today. Sees the vet on Wednesday but right now she's enjoying being spoiled and pampered.
I got a lot done today, as it was perfect weather for working hard: cool, slight breeze, partly cloudy. I hilled up several potato plants and hoed down the weeds in the potato and squash beds.

I also got a bunch of thatch raked up, and put it on a few walkways between some raised beds. It keeps the weeds down, and walking over it breaks it down. Then next spring, I'll flip it over onto one of the beds.

I still have some of the 50 lbs of bunny poop left. So I put more on the asparagus and on the onion and garlic beds. We'll see if that helps.

So all I hope is that my late afternoon nap doesn't keep awake too late tonight. :)
Moved the feeder and water closer to mom and the babies.. Mara was one thirsty bird.. I also held her cup of feed up and she ate like a champ. Here she's eating baby food and clucking to beat the band.. 'Come and get it!'View attachment 3136658
Hey girl, I thought you were done hatching for the year?

Darling babies. Congratulations to Mara.
I had 5 hens go broody on me last week. Kinda like, come on gals, give me a break. I need eggs.

Put them in with my bantam rooster bachelors which thrilled them to death until they discovered that they were all bigger than they were and pecked without mercy.

There's no nesting boxes. No good bedding. Lots of air circulation. Broke three in 4 days. Other two will be back in the main coop tomorrow .... I hope.

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