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Morning @getaclue and all!

We had an interesting night. Storms about so there was a lot of lightening flashing keeping me awake. Had a bedroom window partially open for fresh air and around midnight thought I heard a ruckus in the barn where the 'yard birds' sleep in the loft.

Dogs heard it too and barked for a minute then stopped. Thinking somebody had got knocked off a perch, I turned over and started to go back to sleep. Short time later heard another commotion. This time it alarmed me. Nudged DH awake, we armed up and went out with flashlights.

Came around the corner of the house and here comes a small rooster screaming by us in the dark with a juvenile raccoon hot on its tailfeathers. Rooster headed for the timber and DH got a shot off at the raccoon who by that time saw us and had an 'oh s***' epiphany, turned tail and hauled it into the darkness.

We hung around for about a half an hour watching for it to come back but the lightning and the bugs were getting too bad and we headed in after setting the have a heart trap in the barn.

Silly rooster had decided to roost on top of the wood pile last night where I couldn't reach him. So far no sign of the little guy but I'm hoping he comes out of the timber eventually.

Got to sleep about 3 so I'm enjoying some real coffee in my decaf this morning.
Spent some time in the bantam/silkie mix pen this morning.. I'm so popular! Fred here grabbed my nose twice wanting attention. I'm really the most popular 'chick' there is!

Fluff Meister is the most chattering cockerel I have. He walks around making the same sounds his grandmother makes.
micro, sounds like your place was a bed of activity last night/early this morning. Glad the racoon didn't do any real damage.
Thanks Clue, me also.

I haven't seen anyone come out of the woods today but there is a little rooster running around with a broken tail feather or two so I'm wondering if he wasn't the intended victim.

The live trap is still set. I think I found where the raccoon entered the barn and climbed up the wood pile. so I'm moving the trap to that area.

I had a container of salmon that was getting old. Setting out all day should make it irresistible to a hungry raccoon. May throw a handful of cat food in for good measure.

Had our Rocki to the vet today. She was pleased with how the wound looked. Did some debriding and shaving, the latter I didn't have the heart to do but the Rock didn't give them any trouble and is glad to be home.
Wow, Micro, what an evening you had! Glad everyone's ok.

Except the raccoon. He doesn't have to be ok.
I intend to make his/her future very dismal if and when I manage to get it trapped. Can't abide by raccoons. Nasty destructive little......well, you know.

I'll say it was interesting, 2 AM, thunderstorm moving in, aerial lightning dancing over our heads bugs swarming around our lights, DH and myself out in our night wear with firearms in hand. Almost wish a neighbor had driven by.

Like the old joke goes. Sit on your front porch and clean your shot gun occasionally and wave at your neighbors as they drive by so you keep them off balance concerning your sanity.:lau
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