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Good Morning.. Time to hit the beach if you can.. or the horse trough, kiddie wading pool, or sprinkler.
Darned if I'm not down by another full sized laying hen. Missy, Mara the BCM's daughter, decided to go broody. So, she and Owlie, One of Muffin's daughters are sitting in the hen house. Couldn't they have done that when the weather was cooler? I understood that hens would take a winter break from laying as the daylight hours decreased. It gives them time to rebuild and repair during their vacation. BUT... I didn't know they go on summer vacation too!
The local septic tank cleaning company had a special, cleaning & inspection. It's the same company that put in our septic system. We've been having trouble, so Dh decided to give them a call. We found out what the problem is.

There is a filter, between the septic tank, and drain field, to protect & extend the life of the drain field. The filter has to be cleaned every 6 months to a year, depending on the situation.

We had NO idea there was a filter, or that it had to be cleaned (rinsed with a hose) periodically. It's not mentioned in any of the papers/booklets/owner's manuals/user manuals/ and brochures the owner gave us when we bought this home. Apparently the former owner was not aware of it either, because nothing has been done to the septic system since they installed it years ago, let alone cleaning the filter.


Once they cleaned the filter, they finished draining the tank. There was some sludge, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, considering the previous owner did nothing to it. They put in a cleaner, that will remove all the sludge build up.

We're so glad he decided to call them.


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