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bruce, I was talking to one of my friends about the filter. She has one on her septic system too. She was telling me that they started building them that way here somewhere around the 90's. They're to prevent anything but liquid from going into the drain field helping extend the life of a drain field, and further protecting the environment from less that liquid waste.

Mind you, I'm not against it. I just wish we had known, so we could have done proper maintenance BEFORE it began having trouble, and ended up costing more. I guess that's what Dh and I get for being older. While we do try to keep up to date with things, this is something that totally got past us. Live, and learn I guess.
bruce, After talking with several friends that have homes the same age as this one, or newer, with septic systems, most of them have never heard of the filter either. It's not as commonplace as I was initially led to believe, nor is it part of the building code. I'm inclined to agree with you, that our ignorance isn't necessarily linked to getting older, and/or being out of touch with things that are common knowledge now.
Our house -- built in 1990 -- has that filter located under a second septic lid right next to the septic tank lid (so two incredibly heavy cement plugs to remove for inspections and cleaning). We found out about the filter and cleaning it the hard way when the system backed up and we had to fish around down in the hole to find the thing. That was incredibly nasty. Now DH jet cleans the filter every other month to prevent such an adventure from occurring again.

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