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I had an aunt that did a lot of knitting. I think I might have been the only boy that entered a pair of hand knit socks in the county fair and got a blue ribbon on them. 10th grade. That was the only thing I ever made but I was determined to do it. Wool knee highs with Rayon toes and heels for better wear.
Impressive! I'm left-handed in a righty world and Mom only had the patience to teach me how to purl. I made a 4-square sweater that looked like someone stitched together oversized pot holders. No prizes, for sure...

Now, sewing was a different matter. During the 2nd grade Mom decided that some fun summertime activities would be to turn me into a Stepford daughter and so I was enrolled in summer school sewing, cooking and typing classes. Ridiculous, now that I look back on it. I had to sit on books to reach the typewriter and sewing machine. However, later in high school I whizzed through the Home Economics class and eventually the typing had me in good stead for my court reporting career.
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I was adding water to my incubator well bright person I am ?
Sat the open gallon bottle of distilled water.
Put the water in then sat down on my chair.
On the flippin gallon of water :lau
Gosh you sound a lot like me! I set my headphones on my office chair when I get up to leave, like 100 times I'll come back and sit on them. Well doh!

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