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Good morning OF. Last night, things got worse. It began spreading more, and pain set in. It was a rough night. I began looking at something I had not thought of, and will be questioning my doctor the next time I see her. When I was a kid, before the MMR, and Chicken Pox vaccine, when one actually had to go through measles, and chicken pox, at the first sign of spots, one went to the doctor within the first 48 hours for a Gamma Globulin shot.

Gamma Globulin reduced the severity significantly. It was so effective, that many didn't get full immunity with one bout, and it was not uncommon for some to get a second, extremely light case, to finish off with their immunity. Shingles IS the chicken pox virus. I began looking to see if Gamma Globulin was ineffective on Shingles.

From what I can tell from the little bit of research I did, it's effective on Shingles, just like it's always been, on chicken pox. The only thing I can think of as to why it's not one of the first lines of defense, is with the introduction of MMR, and Chicken Pox vaccines, children were no longer getting these things, therefore it's use began falling to the wayside. Remember, almost none of this generation of doctors has never seen an actual case of these things, since the introduction of the vaccines. They still make the Gamma Globulin, but they began modifying, and repuposing the Globulins, to keep it profitable.

Another major influence is income for the pharmaceutical companies. Vaccines generate a heck of a lot more money, than Gamma Globulin did. The anti-viral medicines currently used for Shingles, are the same as for Genital Herpes, which also generate more income for the pharmaceutical companies.

More recently, doctors are encountering a few actual cases of Measles, Rubella, and Chicken Pox. This is why you'll occasionally read where they've hospitalized a few children with these things. They've forgotten how to treat it. I'll be researching it more, and consulting with my own doctor(s), and pharmacist(s) about it. I can't find much information on whether it's an either/or situation, where if you get the Gamma Globulin you can't take the antivirals, or if you take the antivirals you can't get the Gamma Globulin, but it doesn't appear that way from what I've read.

Like I said, I'm going to do more research, and consult with some medical people, and find out a few things. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the first line of defense was Gamma Globulin, followed with taking the antivirals, which would significantly the decrease the intense burning pain, to a very tolerable level?
I do hope you find some relief very soon.
@Ron :lau I've been talking to you on here for many years now, so I didn't take it as a death prophecy, or a personal death wish. Anyone that doesn't know you, might not see it in the same light though. It's all good.
That is a relief!

I did get into trouble on another thread with a discussion about salt in the diet.

I try to be more self aware in my communication. My Youngest thinks I might be a bit on the autism scale. She is likely a bit higher.
That is a relief!

I did get into trouble on another thread with a discussion about salt in the diet.

I try to be more self aware in my communication. My Youngest thinks I might be a bit on the autism scale. She is likely a bit higher.
I get into trouble with that sometimes too! And I think I’m also on that scale, it sure would explain a lot! :gig
Good morning OF. Last night, things got worse. It began spreading more, and pain set in. It was a rough night. I began looking at something I had not thought of, and will be questioning my doctor the next time I see her. When I was a kid, before the MMR, and Chicken Pox vaccine, when one actually had to go through measles, and chicken pox, at the first sign of spots, one went to the doctor within the first 48 hours for a Gamma Globulin shot.

Gamma Globulin reduced the severity significantly. It was so effective, that many didn't get full immunity with one bout, and it was not uncommon for some to get a second, extremely light case, to finish off with their immunity. Shingles IS the chicken pox virus. I began looking to see if Gamma Globulin was ineffective on Shingles.

From what I can tell from the little bit of research I did, it's effective on Shingles, just like it's always been, on chicken pox. The only thing I can think of as to why it's not one of the first lines of defense, is with the introduction of MMR, and Chicken Pox vaccines, children were no longer getting these things, therefore it's use began falling to the wayside. Remember, almost none of this generation of doctors has never seen an actual case of these things, since the introduction of the vaccines. They still make the Gamma Globulin, but they began modifying, and repuposing the Globulins, to keep it profitable.

Another major influence is income for the pharmaceutical companies. Vaccines generate a heck of a lot more money, than Gamma Globulin did. The anti-viral medicines currently used for Shingles, are the same as for Genital Herpes, which also generate more income for the pharmaceutical companies.

More recently, doctors are encountering a few actual cases of Measles, Rubella, and Chicken Pox. This is why you'll occasionally read where they've hospitalized a few children with these things. They've forgotten how to treat it. I'll be researching it more, and consulting with my own doctor(s), and pharmacist(s) about it. I can't find much information on whether it's an either/or situation, where if you get the Gamma Globulin you can't take the antivirals, or if you take the antivirals you can't get the Gamma Globulin, but it doesn't appear that way from what I've read.

Like I said, I'm going to do more research, and consult with some medical people, and find out a few things. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the first line of defense was Gamma Globulin, followed with taking the antivirals, which would significantly the decrease the intense burning pain, to a very tolerable level?
You go girl! I’m so sorry you’re suffering with those doggone things! Each generation of doctors loses or chooses to ignore older treatments even if they worked well. I remember hearing about gamma globulin.
My mom went to the clinic once because of a rash on her hand. A young doctor was staring at it when an old one walked by and said Scabies! The young one had never seen scabies. My sister had been caring for children at a migrant farm worker camp and gave it to our mother.

My uncle was getting very confused and was saying bizzare things, so she took him to the doctor of course. I don’t remember what he did or didn’t do to treat him. I was reading a book called “Could It be B-12”. Written by an er doc and nurse team frustrated with shipping old people with delusions to the er w when all they needed was some B-12.
When my aunt took him back, the doctor said “You know when my dad was practicing he gave aLOT of B-12 shots. Maybe we’re missing something here.”

Anyhow there is misinformation and there is missing information. Definitely some things went missing!
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