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We are having graupel (yes it is a meteorological term). Snow is staying north of us. :wee

Like I said, my ex sister-in-law wasn't the brightest crayon in the box, so if she could learn to do it from the videos, and do a nice job, he certainly could.

I just took a shower. My hair is starting to fall out in clumps. Oh joy!
I guess you are in the group that loses hair with the new chemo treatment.

Is the Chemo working for you?
The forecast for heavy rain and thunderstorms for all day today missed. Not a drop. Now if they can just miss until noon tomorrow I'll have a lot of garden planted. So far beets, carrots, potatoes, and sweet peas are int the ground. If they miss later tonight and tomorrow morning sweet corn will me in the ground along with some mustard greens. We may get to eat this spring yet. Fryer type chickens in the brooder.
Same here. This should keep the fruit trees in check for a while. I hope.

It's grey and cold. It's a good morning for coffee. It's also a good morning to go back to bed for a nap.
All of our fruit trees except the apples have bloomed, or are currently blooming. It's supposed to rain all night.
With the other chemo med, it was 100% guaranteed that one would lose their hair. With this one, it's more like 75% will lose their hair. I seem to be one of the 75%, although it hasn't all fallen out yet. As to whether it's working, it's too soon to tell. I had only gotten 2 infusions when I got the shingles, and it had to be delayed. I'm scheduled to resume on April 3.

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