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Oy vey.
Between changing diet to lose weight for surgery and then the trauma of the total knee replacement, my hair thinned quite rapidly by the combful and it is SO sparse up top and sides. I mean, major scalp sunburn if we had decent sun. I'm visiting my sister this month and I'm sure my appearance will make her cry.
I'm taking a biotin supplement and have one of those scalp massage thingies to promote follicle circulation, but I'm thinking of just shaving it off and starting over... However, I'm worried that being bald-ish will spark a whole new set of concerns and I certainly don't want to invoke any stolen valor of the chemo set.

But other than that, things are fine! I'm fully mobile again with no bone pain, just a little stiffness and fatigue now and then. And today is drizzly, so I feel that in both surged-upon and normal joints, but the snow toe hasn't kicked in so it's just rain today.
That is good news on the knee replacement!
With the other chemo med, it was 100% guaranteed that one would lose their hair. With this one, it's more like 75% will lose their hair. I seem to be one of the 75%, although it hasn't all fallen out yet. As to whether it's working, it's too soon to tell. I had only gotten 2 infusions when I got the shingles, and it had to be delayed. I'm scheduled to resume on April 3.
So sorry you have to endure all that. Sending healing thoughts your way.

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